Author Topic: Going on 7-years post surgery  (Read 8934 times)


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Going on 7-years post surgery
« on: September 09, 2015, 11:55:13 am »
 I haven't been here for some time, and wanted to check back in with others possibly going through similar things. I had posted some time ago about changes I have noticed with myself regarding mood, memory shortage/loss, depression, noticeable decline in focus and attention, among other things since having translab surgery almost 7-years ago. Of the things I've been experiencing, they have seemed to fluctuate from time to time…some days better, some worse, but I've never had a time where I've felt they're "gone" (other than a rare caffeine "high" from too much coffee!). One of the major things I've been noticing/feeling over time is distance/disassociation from others. I don't know if those around me notice this, but I definitely feel it, and it's probably my biggest inner turmoil. Having a young son and one living parent (at 80) makes it harder (that darn "time" thing).
 All this said, I ran across a podcast with an Endocrinologist, Dr. Mark Gordon, who has been researching/specializing/treating hormonal deficiencies in head trauma patients for at least 10 years now. I noticed MANY similarities in symptoms that he, and one of his patients, spoke about…memory, focus, libido, depression, anxiety, etc.. I do realize the "association factor" on my part related to this. I was wondering if any of you have had continual experiences like these, and if you've had experience with or heard of this type of treatment in regards to AN patients?
