Author Topic: The names of ANA members who had Proton Therapy  (Read 2342 times)


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The names of ANA members who had Proton Therapy
« on: August 08, 2014, 01:23:45 pm »
 I did an Advanced Search for Proton Therapy- Here is a list of the ANA Forum Member Names> If anyone wants to add to it, feel free!

1. Ferguson75205 ;Loma Linda California:
2. Skpg; University of Hampton, Virginia:
3. TSL; Mass General Hospital, Mass.
4.inMaine724; Mass Gen Hospital, Mass.
5. HJTRU; Unknown Proton Center
6. Ed; unknown center
7.KeepSmiling; Massachusetts General Hospital

This list is fluid and could contain errors. Hope this helps- best of luck to all.
12/O6/2O12: 1.5 cm lesion.Proton Therapy-July/Aug, 2013 Massachusetts General Hospital. 2/23/2018 MRI: 1. Small .5 cm x(AP) x .8 cm (TV) x .8 cm (CC )left intracanicular acoustic schwannoma) Completely deaf in one ear. Occasional tinnitus. Zero side effects.