Author Topic: My 3 FSR Linac total costs from diag thru treatment  (Read 4848 times)


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My 3 FSR Linac total costs from diag thru treatment
« on: May 12, 2014, 10:06:33 am »
Reposting this here from my Radiation thread.

OK so here is my AN medical expense breakdown, hope it helps someone else gain info on the costs of treatment here in Ohio at the Mayfield Clinic, UC and Precision Radiotherapy in West Chester, Ohio. My two Dr. were Dr. Ron Warnick and Dr. John Breneman partnering for my treatment. Hope it's not too hard to follow! Insurance was/is United Health Care and the Mayfield Clinic contacted and acquired the insurance approval.

My AN Medical Expense breakdown:

*First MRI with and without contrast that discovered it:
$895.86 - paid out of pocket to PDI Dayton
$229.37 – paid out of pocket to Kettering Network radiologists

*First Office Appt, Surgeon Dr. Ravi N. Samy:
$412 – minusUnited Healthcare insurance adjustment of $73.09 =

$238.91 paid out of pocket or HSA

*First Office Appt, Surgeon Dr. Ronald Warnick:
$475 – minusUnited Healthcare insurance adj of $222.03 =

$252.97 paid out of pocket or HSA

*First Office Appt, Radiologist Dr. John C. Breneman:
$438 - minusUnited Healthcare insurance adj of $183.70 =

$254.30 paid out of pocket or HSA

At this point after meeting all three and praying about it plus discussing with wife I decided on 3 FSR radiosurgery.

*CT Scan at Precision Radiotherapy: 10/7/2013
$1836.00 – minus United Healthcare insurance adj of $1032.32 and Ins payment of $642.95 =

$160.73 paid out of pocket or HSA

*Dr. Breneman consult/special treatment:
$784 – minus United Healthcare insurance adj of $418.28 and Ins payment of $292.57 =

$73.15 paid out of pocket or HSA

*MRI at UC Health West Chester Hospital 10/7/2013:
$3475 + $268.95 (Other/Misc?) – minus UHC insurance adj of $1079.95 and Ins payment $1571.02 =

$1,092.98 paid out of pocket or HSA

$82.72 of misc bills paid out of pocket or HSA

*UC Health: 10/8/2013
$470.00 Trtmnt planning Complex
$312.00 Special Treatment Proceedure
Total $782.00 – minus UHC insurance adj of $403.82 and Ins payment of $302.82

$75.63 paid out of pocket or HSA

*UC Health 10/11/2013
$680.00 Therapeutic Rad simulation aided field setting 3D
$1472.00 Treat Devices, design & contr; complex
$736.00 Basic Rad Dosimetry Calculation
Total $2,888.00 minus UHC insurance adj of $1490.52 and Ins payment of $1117.98 =

$279.50 paid out of pocket or HSA

*UC Health 10/25/2013
$1973.00 one or more lesions, entire course no to exceed 5 fractions
- minus UHC insurance adj of $1019.22 and Ins payment of $763.02 =

$190.75 paid out of pocket or HSA

*Precision Radiotherapy 10/11/2013
$1336.00 3-D radiotherapy plan including dose-volume hisograms
$2192.00 Treat devices, design & constr;complex
$920.00 Basic Rad dosimetry calculation
Total $4448.00 minus UHC insurance adj of $2372.28 and Ins payment of $1660.58 =

$415.14 paid out of pocket or HSA

*Precision Radiotherapy 3 FSR sessions:

$4168.00 stereo bod, per frac 1 or more lesions 10/23/2013
$4168.00 stereo bod, per frac 1 or more lesions 10/24/2013
$4168.00 stereo bod, per frac 1 or more lesions 10/25/2013
$ 180.00 continuing med rad physics consul 10/25/2013
Total $12674.00 – minus UHC insurance adj of $6765.22 and Ins payment of $4735.03 =

$1598.89 paid out of pocket or HSA

Total out of pocket/HSA expenses paid:


So, all in all not cheap if you have a high deductible plan like me, but not stupid expensive like I've seen some quoted around here. Adding up all expenses = approx $32500 with no adjustments or reductions of any kind. I believe those without insurance could get treatment for much less than $32k from these doctors imo.
2.2 x 2.2 x 2.3cm AN -- 3 FSR LINAC Oct 23-25th 2013