Hi Crazyjster,,
I am so sorry to hear about the issues you are still experiencing,, this is a very hard journey for so many of us,, some more than others of course,, but hard still the same.. you have two young children which makes this all the more difficult,, (my boys are grown) but I can only imagine the fatigue you are dealing with also..
It is surprising to me that you have just been released from the Drs at House as it was my understanding from most posts here that release or requirement to return to them was much sooner.. that is one reason I did not go cross country to them .. was Dr House concerned at all with your continued balance issue which really seems to be your most troublesome issue?? (aside from the anger which is due in part to that and MOST understandable ).. If you have been seeing him until last Dec. he must have known.. maybe some additional vestibular therapy would help post pregnancy..
I also have seizures unrelated to my AN,, supposedly,, although my first seizure is what led to an MRI and diagnosis of the AN!! Can your neurologist refer you to someone for some counseling or be of any help in suggesting therapies for continuing balance issues..?? I guess you are on some med. for the seizures??...
I know you probably don't have a lot of time for reading, however; a former AN patient has written a wonderful book about his journey, but also with wonderful resources and suggestions for new and Posties that I found a wonderful read and helpful in understanding what others are going through. He is David Douglas Shannon and the book is "Hell in the Head".. I got it off Amazon.com for $14.95... he actually lives in the LA area and is an actor.. he had facial paralysis, , as I have,, and had a hard time dealing with his "aftermath".. as you said,, he did not have the outcome he was hoping for either.. and he was most angry also about the "why wasn't I told what all could happen"... it is a very good book which I read in two sittings,, and I don't even routinely read books.....................PM me if you would like more info on it.........
I am sorry about your situation,, I can also understand about your husband.. mine is VERY supportive, but doesn't like to "think" about me being in pain or having to deal with "hard" stuff,, so he tries to sugar coat things and "lets just move on with things" attitude,, which is fine and I try most of the time to have that "all will be fine " attitude,,, but I am the one still dealing with a smile no longer there, an eye with an weight in the lid that doesn't close well, a face that does not "respond" like other people expect when I talk to them, deaf on one side,, etc. etc. etc.............so I feel your pain as they say... my balance though is not as bad as yours and I am able to take my granddaughter to the movies occasionnally without "puking"...I do use earplug in good ear for most anything with loud noise,, to protect the hearing I do have,,, even when using a hair dryer,, which most people probably don't think about,,,
Please come on here to vent and get support,, we care and understand your "issues",, I would hope that you could find someone professional or spiritual to talk to also to vent some anger,, (I too majored in psychology, ,,, a "while" ago,, but it is not much help to me either..

.. we are here though and I wish you well ... let me know if I can help anyway,,, Jane