Author Topic: Any 3 Day event riders or equestrians out there?  (Read 5739 times)


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Any 3 Day event riders or equestrians out there?
« on: September 02, 2013, 12:03:28 pm »
Am wondering if post treatment (leaning toward gamma radiation knife and soon) I will ever be able to compete at events the same as I have in the past? Like all extreme sports they are dangerous! Just wondering if I should go ahead and hang up the vest and sell my horse now as he is so valuable? Or wait to see how I am post procedure? Sometimes I can't tell if am losing more and more coordination due to the AN or my age 47? I am also the Mother of 4 Boys ages 8-14. Event riders are hearty people but I don't want to be stupid and jeopardize my horse or myself if my balance will never be 100% trusted again? Any other riders out there who came back confidently after treatment of an AN? Surgery or gamma knife? As of now I just pretend I don't have it... but it's getting harder and harder to ignore.


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Re: Any 3 Day event riders or equestrians out there?
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2013, 04:21:06 pm »
I'm an avid mountain trail rider (55y) when I'm not working, and have a small AN (7x5x4) and almost total hearing loss on that side and well as dizzy. I am opting for surgery now, to get side effects adjusted  prior to spring. I usually ride year round, but don't want unexpected symptoms to ruin some of my longer trips planned for next summer. Riding balance is currently better than walking for me. I am thinking positive and plan on maintaining my current level of riding. While not competitive riding, its often a heart thumping time!
Don't give up what you don't have to!


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Re: Any 3 Day event riders or equestrians out there?
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2013, 10:27:58 am »
I was able to return to barrel racing successfully.  Everyone was so discouraging before I had surgery because my balance had gotten terrible, and I sold all my young horses, only keeping my old retired horse and hoping I could trail ride him.  I went back to riding 2 months later, and started shopping for new prospects a month after that.  I wanted to start back with youngsters so I could work back up to a competitive level and I do think that was helpful for *me* because it forced me to pace myself and my recovery.  It took a good 6 months for my reflexes to really come back to a more normal level.


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Re: Any 3 Day event riders or equestrians out there?
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2013, 10:05:24 pm »
Thanks! Its very encouraging to hear and see your successful return to your sport! Its what keeps us sane!


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Re: Any 3 Day event riders or equestrians out there?
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2013, 12:01:55 pm »
I am 2.5 weeks post Linac radiation treatment. Wasnt prepared for the nausea, headaches or fatigue. Have been doing some long 5 mile run/walks with my dog on trails but the thought of jumping my horse still makes me kinda sick to my stomach. All I can eat are vegetables, salads and soups. Have been a carnivore my whole life and now have a strange aversion to meat??? Anyway, going to give myself a few more weeks and put on the helmet and the vest and see how it goes. Am usually not much of a whiner but the radiation was more than I thought it would be. Just wanted to post honestly about my experience. Good luck to everyone. Looking forward to my first ride.


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Re: Any 3 Day event riders or equestrians out there?
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2014, 10:44:51 pm »
I had translab 12/11/13 and have started to ride my young but trusty horses and it feels GREAT! I am spending time looking over my shoulders, circling and things that may trigger balance issues. It seems to be the same as walking, if something feels a little off, then keep doing it til it gets better!