Thanks, Pam ..... and hi Dizzyme .....
Thanks to multiple brain surgeries and massive radiation to my head as a kid, I have no working vestibular nerves on either side.
Following my first AN surgery, when my only remaining vestibular nerve at that time was wiped out, I had months of vestibular therapy (with a specifically trained vestibular therapist). I did not use the Brainport system. My therapist taught me many compensating strategies and I can now "walk and chew gum"

without a cane!
Obviously, with only 2/3 (vision and sensorineuro) of the required systems for balance, I will always have issues when trying to walk in total darkness. (One system is simply not enough.) I keep nightlights on in strategic places at all times, plus keep a flashlight nearby (my iPhone has a flashlight app that is wonderful security!).
The biggest help for me is regular exercise now ..... in the form of walking and yoga (with some tai chi moves incorporated). It is vitally important to keep your core muscles as strong as possible. As you know, when we start to fall, we have only our vision to quickly determine our position in space. In addition to issues in darkness, the opposite is also true ..... when everything is white (in snow or in white shower stalls with white curtains!).
You will eventually automatically adapt to some of these things. For instance, I always lean up against the sink when washing my face, put my elbow against the side of the shower when washing my hair, etc.
Feel free to PM me if you have other specific questions. I also have a list of exercises that I have found the most beneficial.