Author Topic: Pain/Headaches when there is pressure on the back of the neck.  (Read 34792 times)


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Really bad subject title and I'm not quite sure how to phrase the question... but I wanted to know if anyone else gets really bad pain and headaches when they apply pressure to the back of the neck, or more specifically, where your neck and head meet. Pretty much where the surgical approach was done. 

When I say pressure I don't mean just taking my figures and pressing on it (but boy does that cause a lot of pain). It effects me the most when trying to go to sleep or reading/on the computer in bed, it seems no matter how I sit up in bed or when I am laying there is always pressure on that area. If there is any hard pressure or any prolonged soft pressure it caused pain that turns into a headache that lasts and lasts long after the pressure is removed.

An example is I got a haircut the other day and they did the shampooing which they lay you back and put your head/neck on the basins edge. Just that 5 or so minutes of pressure leaning on the basin caused a headache for over an hour, and a rough at that.

I am 8 months post surgery, should that area still be pressure sensitive? Does anyone else get this and how long post surgery are you?

By the way, Happy Brain Tumor Awareness month!
Left side VS - 2.0 x 2.7
Retrosigmoid on Oct 17th 2011
Surgery at Mayo Clinic with Dr. Link & Dr. Driscoll
SSD left side, delayed temporary facial weakness, ongoing severe headaches.


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Re: Pain/Headaches when there is pressure on the back of the neck.
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2012, 10:07:40 pm »
I wash my hair before going for a haircut. When they washed it at the solon, I didn't immediately get a headache. but, I did wake up with a headache almost every day for about 3 weeks after that.

1.5cm AN rt side; Retrosig June 16, 2008; preserved facial and hearing nerves;
FINALLY FREE OF CHRONIC HEADACHES 4.5 years post-op!!!!!!!
Drs. Kato, Blumenfeld, and Cheung.


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Re: Pain/Headaches when there is pressure on the back of the neck.
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2012, 12:03:20 am »
Yep I plan on doing the same for a while. They are all about service where I am at, so I am not sure how they will react to refusing the wash... we'll see haha

I see in your signature "finally getting some releif for chronic post-surgical headaches;"  May I ask how you have accomplished this?
Left side VS - 2.0 x 2.7
Retrosigmoid on Oct 17th 2011
Surgery at Mayo Clinic with Dr. Link & Dr. Driscoll
SSD left side, delayed temporary facial weakness, ongoing severe headaches.


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Re: Pain/Headaches when there is pressure on the back of the neck.
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2012, 04:52:25 am »
Definately!!!!! I started getting sever headaches in the middle of the night a couple months ago. I wake up with a stiff and painful neck and then it shoots up through my head. In fact, I'm having one right now....

It's been pure hell lately and I'm just hoping I recover soon. I got my surgery around the same time as you (November 2011). I go to the chiropractor which helps.


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Re: Pain/Headaches when there is pressure on the back of the neck.
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2012, 07:19:59 am »
After my first suboccipital/retrosigmoid surgery 18 years ago, for many years I could not stand to put pressure of any kind on the back of my neck/head ..... lying on my back or the shampoo bowl were the worst times.  My hairdresser was very helpful to work with me to move the pressure to my upper back (I moved up farther in the chair, with my head almost hanging into the bowl, but he completely supported it with one hand.)

I cannot tell you how long it was a problem, as far as headaches go, but it very gradually got better over the years ..... and I learned how to subconsciously avoid any pressure to that area.

My second suboccipital/retro surgery was 4 years ago, but I did not experience any new headaches related to this.  My third craniotomy one year ago was translab so did not affect this area.

To this day I do not like to rest the back of my head/neck on anything hard.  I have not had my hair washed at a salon since my last surgery.  Just decided it was not worth the agony of the shampoo bowl for haircoloring and/or perms ..... so I changed my hair style to one I can manage on my own.

I am not a doctor, but it seems like sometimes during a suboccipital surgery that the occipital nerve is aggravated and does not settle down, which causes some of us the problem.  I know at least Mei Mei has had surgery to relieve the post-op occipital pain ..... perhaps others, as well.  My pain can be avoided by not putting pressure in this area so an easier fix.

Chiropractors or trained, licensed massage therapists can be very helpful in reducing the pain in this area, as well.  Some patients have found relief through acupuncture ..... not sure about Botox treatments in this area.

In the meantime I would avoid any pressure or strain to this area.

Right MVD for trigeminal neuralgia, 1994, Pittsburgh, PA
Left retrosigmoid 2.6 cm AN removal, February, 2008, Duke U
Tumor regrew to 1.3 cm in February, 2011
Translab AN removal, May, 2011 at HEI, Friedman & Schwartz
Oticon Ponto Pro abutment implant at same time; processor added August, 2011


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Re: Pain/Headaches when there is pressure on the back of the neck.
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2012, 02:35:17 pm »
Yep I plan on doing the same for a while. They are all about service where I am at, so I am not sure how they will react to refusing the wash... we'll see haha

I see in your signature "finally getting some relief for chronic post-surgical headaches;"  May I ask how you have accomplished this?

I think the salon should be ok with you washing your own hair before your appointment.

As for the headache relief...I went to a neurologist for the headaches. He prescribed Nortriptylene (sp?) aka Pamelor. I took it for about 10 months until I noticed it didn't make a difference anymore. Pamelor helped ease the frequency & intensity of the headaches. I was getting them anywhere from 5-7 times/wk before treatment. It didn't help that I developed a 3000-4000mg/day Tylenol habit. The neurologist told me that some of those headaches were rebound headaches from my dependency on Tylenol.

Within a few weeks of starting my headache treatment with the neurologist, I noticed improvement. Not only did I get off of Tylenol, but I was getting headaches 3-5 times/wk & they were not as debilitating.

I still keep Tylenol around, but limit my consumption of it. I first try to apply heat to the neck. this works most often. There are times, however, when I'm not home & cant just plug in my heating pad, recline, & wait for it to take effect.

I have also tried different topical treatments & have found a product by the name of Flanax to be quite effective when my pain is right at the surgery incision site or when I have a sore & tired neck. I recently began trying another home treatment--coffee with lemon juice. If you add honey, it's quite tasty. So far, it has helped.

Now, I go about 2-3 weeks without any headaches. Then there are times that I wake up with a headache in the wee hrs of the morning & this can happen 3 or 4 consecutive days. There are certain activities that I have found contribute to the headaches. Some are avoidable, others are not. But taking Tylenol is often a last resort.

1.5cm AN rt side; Retrosig June 16, 2008; preserved facial and hearing nerves;
FINALLY FREE OF CHRONIC HEADACHES 4.5 years post-op!!!!!!!
Drs. Kato, Blumenfeld, and Cheung.


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Re: Pain/Headaches when there is pressure on the back of the neck.
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2012, 08:56:28 pm »
Gosh I I take about 3 to 4 tylenol a day because I didn't want to take the strong meds. Is Pamelor safe to take (i.e. no drowsiness, depression issues)?


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Re: Pain/Headaches when there is pressure on the back of the neck.
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2012, 09:27:36 am »
Gosh I I take about 3 to 4 tylenol a day because I didn't want to take the strong meds. Is Pamelor safe to take (i.e. no drowsiness, depression issues)?

When I went home from the hospital after my surgery, I was sent home with pain meds that I opted not to use because I didn't want to take the potent stuff. Instead I opted to take Tylenol. It's sold over the counter & is safe. Right???? I later found out how bad it is for the liver & kidneys.
A pharmacist told me I was going to kill my liver & kidneys with the quantities I was taking. So it took Pamelor to get me off my habit.

Pamelor used to be prescribed for depression. Not sure why it isn't anymore because it sure made me feel relaxed & less stressed or worried. However, it does come with a list of possible side effects like so many drugs do.

When I was taking Pamelor, there were some side-effects. Drowsiness was the big one. The doseage is gradually increased & while my body got used to it, there was alot of drowsiness. Once I felt fine, the doseage was increassed & this went on for about 5 weeks. When we finally reached the target doseage, it got better after that. It's the first 5 weeks or so that were really difficult. the other side-effect I struggled with alot was dizziness. I did pass out one time because I stood up too fast.

Hope this helps.


1.5cm AN rt side; Retrosig June 16, 2008; preserved facial and hearing nerves;
FINALLY FREE OF CHRONIC HEADACHES 4.5 years post-op!!!!!!!
Drs. Kato, Blumenfeld, and Cheung.


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Re: Pain/Headaches when there is pressure on the back of the neck.
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2012, 09:33:58 am »
That does help thanks. My Doc told me taking 4 a day is fine, but I shouldn't do the max dosage. I drink a lot of water and uses a variety of homeopathic remedies to help with the potential liver issues (eat apples, raspberries, drink rooibis tea and take a probiotic).

I don't think I could take the Pamelor because it sounds like it would probably interfere with my ability to take care of my son who is only 2.5 months right now. I'm Mr. Mom right now and don't want any debilitating drugs.


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Re: Pain/Headaches when there is pressure on the back of the neck.
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2012, 08:05:44 am »
I wash my hair before going for a haircut. When they washed it at the solon, I didn't immediately get a headache. but, I did wake up with a headache almost every day for about 3 weeks after that.


I rarely go for haircuts it is easier just to tie my hair up in a soft band but if I do get it cut I wash my hair before and have the hairstylist just wet it before cutting it is so much easier. The hard part also for me is dyeing my hair I have a problem with my incision and the dyes are so harsh so I use Natural Instincts a natural but not long lasting yet easier on the incision whatever works best for anyone is the way to go have to make some tweaks after an AN.

Best Wishes,
Diagnosed with a 1 cm. AN had Retrosigmoid
Approach surgery July of 2009, several problems after surgery.


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Re: Pain/Headaches when there is pressure on the back of the neck.
« Reply #10 on: July 30, 2012, 02:58:48 am »
... but I wanted to know if anyone else gets really bad pain and headaches when they apply pressure to the back of the neck, or more specifically, where your neck and head meet.
An example is I got a haircut the other day and they did the shampooing which they lay you back and put your head/neck on the basins edge. Just that 5 or so minutes of pressure leaning on the basin caused a headache for over an hour, and a rough at that.

Yes, I had this happen when I went to my first hair appt. after surgery. It triggered the worst headache.   I still get it if I lay down for too long on my back even with my head on a pillow.  I am told this is occipital nerve pain.  The advice above is good, avoid the basins at the salon.  Good luck with this.  Some have suggested occipital nerve blocks if it gets bad but I am shy of anything invasive.  Okay that sounds funny huh, we just all had brain surgery. 
Take Care  ;)
4 mm x 8 mm 12/08
1.4 cm rt. AN middle fossa on 7/23/10
hearing and facial nerve preserved. Grateful for brilliant surgeons Dr. Friedman/ Dr. Schwartz @ HEI in LA, CA.

post op chronic headaches
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