I had surgery 4 weeks ago, and think everyone is spot on...I didn't want visitors except family, as I didn't even have the strength to take the phone and say hello to my boyfriend when he called to say he was coming up. Having an advocate in the hospital 24/7 is a must, so hopefully someone can stay with you. I couldn't read, didn't want anyone to read to me, and wanted the room dark for a couple days...watched tv when I could. Having pain meds at the same time as the nausea meds worked best for me. They gave me Reglan (sp?) via IV, which you can have every 6 hours. Weaned myself off of pain meds pretty quick, but they were nice to have at night so I could sleep comfortably....still, thank goodness for Nick at Night when I couldn't sleep. I was in ICU overnight, then spent 2 1/2 days on the neuro-floor. Definitely pillows on the way home if you can lay down in the car, and I wanted a hand towel to cover my eyes...didn't like the sun at all. Make sure you get a dose of pain meds for the car ride home. I am blessed by having a mom that can drop everything and still stay with me a month after surgery, and will probably be here for another month....I still can't drive or do much around the house without becoming exhausted. But, you never know, look at our hero Dale back out on the road in 6 weeks!!!! The reality is you won't really know how much you will need till you are through it, and hopefully your family can be flexible! Good luck!!!!!!! I know all those east coasters will keep you under their wing!!! The brunch sounded like a blast!!!