Author Topic: Menieres Disease  (Read 5822 times)


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Menieres Disease
« on: January 19, 2012, 01:07:51 am »

I had cyber-knife radio surgery on my 3 cm AN on my left side in early 2005 and fortunately it was successful. Starting in 2007 each MRI has shown additional shrinkage.

After having powerful vertigo attacks at the end of 2010 and periodic sound distortion on the right side the doctors couldn't figure out what was going on. Eventually it was diagnosed as Menieres Disease. The specialist that diagnosed it prescribed a mild diuretic which has controlled the symptoms.

I mention this because my doctor has had a run of AN patients that developed Menieres in the "good" ear. It might well be a coincidence but bear it in mind should balance problems return unexpectedly. My 2010 vertigo was distinctly different from what I experienced with the AN and each instance hearing diminishment lasted a day. 
« Last Edit: January 19, 2012, 09:29:49 am by Sequimite »


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Re: Menieres Disease
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2012, 12:49:02 pm »
Hi Sequimite,

Welcome to the ANA forum - it's a very useful place for resources or to chat with people who suffer as you do, and truly understand.  I was diagnosed with Meniere's disease in the early 90's.  I had a couple of episodes of vertigo and ringing in the ear.  In late 2010 an MRI revealed I had a AN.  During that year I suffered from constant vertigo attacks, full spins lasting many minutes with a consistency of every few days.  I chose surgery right away - I couldn't live like the way I was living.  The vertigo is gone, the ringing is worse !

What I do to help the ringing from getting worse.  Yes I am also on a diuretic, I also stay away from all processed meats that contain nitrates like cold cuts, bacon and hot dogs ( I'm dying for a hot dog !! ) etc.  I stay away from sulphides as well.  I miss my wine - they contain sulphides.  I stay away from all caffeine, and I try to get quality sleep every night.  If I'm going to be exposed to a loud environment - I wear ear plugs.  I hope this helps, I would continue to look at everything possible in your lifestyle that might have an effect - good or bad on the ringing.


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Re: Menieres Disease
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2012, 04:46:20 pm »

You certainly are not alone.  I had "sudden hearing loss in my left ear".  Trying to find out why, the MRI showed an AN in the right ear.  Another test shows that I have Meniere's in the left ear which tells them why the hearing loss.  The hearing in my left ear changes almost on a daily basis.  Sometimes I hear well and other times I hear hardly anything.

The doctor changed my diet as well, with a diuretic, no salt, no caffeine.  Those changes have seemed to help the vertigo a lot, I have not had any attacks since I changed.



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Re: Menieres Disease
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2012, 10:11:21 am »
I have no idea how I managed to stumble upon this string - but I've been wondering about using a diuretic since my face is very puffy like there's fluid being retained.  My fingers seem to be normal - not puffy, but my vertigo is pretty bad.  I can't go see an ENT until next month - he won't see me this soon (3 months) after surgery to discuss symptoms and hearing options for my AN ear.  I want to pursue a BAHA.

So bottom line - were there any other areas you could tell were retaining fluid?  And would any mild diuretic work if I wanted to try one?

Pam in South Dakota

MRI & DX on 10/17/11, 2.8 x 2.3 x 2.3 cm cystic & solid mass
Left suboccipital Surgery with Dr. Tew at Mayfield Clinic in Cincinnati on 1/10/12
SSD but no nerves cut in surgery. BAHA implant 8/2012
Facial weakness almost gone!
Acupuncture helping face
Tear duct plug on 4/4/12

Cheryl R

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Re: Menieres Disease
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2012, 10:26:03 am »
Pam, I had face puffiness for a good 6 mos after one of my surgeries.     Very annoying.  I never tried any diuretiuc.      I don't know if you asked your family dr if they would want you to try one or not.                           Cheryl R
Right mid fossa 11-01-01
  left tumor found 5-03,so have NF2
  trans lab for right facial nerve tumor
  with nerve graft 3-23-06
   CSF leak revision surgery 4-07-06
   left mid fossa 4-17-08
   near deaf on left before surgery
   with hearing much improved .
    Univ of Iowa for all care


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Re: Menieres Disease
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2012, 10:59:45 am »
THANK YOU!!!  I had posted a while ago about the puffiness an no one answered saying that they had anything like it.  I was actually worried, because you can see a real increase in the puffiness on my AN side.  So there's hope....I've been letting myself get down lately - problems at home with hubby doesn't help either.  But knowing that someone else had this is reassuring to say the least!  I've been craving salty things lately too - and drinking a ton of water (not because of thirst but more for health) and I'm wondering if I really AM retaining a bit of water.  Maybe when I see the ENT next month I'll ask about it...for now - knowing you had the same or similar symptom helps.  Very much.  Thanks.

Pam in South Dakota

MRI & DX on 10/17/11, 2.8 x 2.3 x 2.3 cm cystic & solid mass
Left suboccipital Surgery with Dr. Tew at Mayfield Clinic in Cincinnati on 1/10/12
SSD but no nerves cut in surgery. BAHA implant 8/2012
Facial weakness almost gone!
Acupuncture helping face
Tear duct plug on 4/4/12