Hi Rani,
I went to an AN support group meeting in DC. There was a physical therapist there who works a lot with facial paralysis. I had my tumor removed almost two years ago. My facial paralysis was very bad at first, then got better, then just settled in to what it is now... irritating, but not enough to make me go get help right now. My eye blinks better than it did, my face smiles better than it did, but just part of my face feels dead, and so it feels tired and makes my good half work harder and then feel tired, if that makes sense. WIth other medical expenses taking a top priority in the family (i.e., kids!) I just haven't been able to do anything yet. I did get a card from a PT who was there. I have no first hand experience with this person, but many from the AN support group liked her. Hope the info helps. Do you live in MD? I live in Silver Spring and had my surgery at University of MD in Baltimore.
Here's the info: Jodi S. Barth, PT
NPH Regional Rehab at Montrose
6001 Montrose Rd #402 Rockville, MD 20852
301-984-6594 x 17
or 18109 Prince Phillip Drive #155
Olney, MD 20832
301-570-3138 x 217
If you use Jodi Barth, please let me know how it goes!