Author Topic: Skull Base Institute / Dr Shahinian / los angeles, california  (Read 5575 times)


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ok guys... if you all want a day-by-day account here it is.  While my husband and I were going through this major decision & surgery, I kept a journal.  Since we live in GA and our family is spread across the southeast, we decided to update this website daily to keep eveyone updated.  I have just made the decision (and been emotionally able) to share this with all of you.  Feel free to read our journals and follow us as we walk through our decisions and surgery.
click on "visit patient page"
last name: rabun
password: 1horse

I hope this helps to shed some light and help you through this very difficult time.  God Bless.

Eron & Drew
-3cm acoustic neuroma "size of an egg"
-pressing on the brain stem
-50/50 chance of severe side effect with "traditional surgery"
-chose "endoscopic procedure" by Dr Shahinian in Los Angeles, CA instead of traditional one
-wouldn't change ANYTHING!
-results are amazing!!!


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Re: Skull Base Institute / Dr Shahinian / los angeles, california
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2006, 11:23:39 pm »
I just checked it.  THanks for sharing it w/ us. 


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Re: Skull Base Institute / Dr Shahinian / los angeles, california
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2006, 08:18:56 am »
An update on the balance issues...

Drew went for his 1 year followup MRI and physical this past Monday.  The MRI came back PERFECT!  Absolutely NO tumor regrowth.  -I am going to try to get a digital copy and post it here.

When the doctor did balance tests: 1.with eyes open & 2. with eyes closed, Drew did fare slightly worse with eyes closed.  To be honest, he would not pass a roadside sobriety test with his eyes closed - Walk a striaght line with eyes closed & stand on one foot with eyes closed.  He had to keep putting his hands out or foot down.  With eyes open - no problem.  The doctor said his balance COULD be corrected with physical therapy if we chose, or just continuing to be active (sports/exercise) that his brain would "re-learn" balance on it's own.  It could take up to two years to return to "Normal."  Given the type of surgery, we continue to be thrilled with the results and outcome of SBI and the endoscopic procedure.
Before the balance tests, Drew predicted that "eyes opened" and "eyes closed" test results would be the same and said his balance was back to normal.... Just goes to show that he doesn't feel "loopy" or "off."
-3cm acoustic neuroma "size of an egg"
-pressing on the brain stem
-50/50 chance of severe side effect with "traditional surgery"
-chose "endoscopic procedure" by Dr Shahinian in Los Angeles, CA instead of traditional one
-wouldn't change ANYTHING!
-results are amazing!!!


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Re: Skull Base Institute / Dr Shahinian / los angeles, california
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2006, 09:39:28 pm »
Hi Eron and Drew.

Thanks so much for the update.

I had a radio-surgery treating physician, (ok 3 drs total)  recommend low dose valium (2 mg) to help with my balance.  Like many here, I get that "wonky" head, worse at night when walking the dog in the dark).  It does seem to help. There are days that it doesn't do well, but for the most part, it has been a help. Maybe something worth discussing with your dr's?

BTW, where in GA? Family is northside of Atlanta.

"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness", Capt Jack Sparrow - Davy Jones Locker, "Pirates of the Carribbean - At World's End"


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Re: Skull Base Institute / Dr Shahinian / los angeles, california
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2006, 10:21:02 pm »
Heck, I'm a year out and couldn't pass a sobriety test with my eyes open and someone holding me up  LOL  Yeah Drew!