I had a similar issue but it was about 6 weeks after my surgery. Everything seemed all healed up and after taking a shower I was towel drying my hair when all of a sudden the area around the incision became very painful and sensitive to the touch. Ouch, this really hurt! An hour later the pain was completely gone as if nothing happened - the area was no longer sensitive to the touch. Upon further self examination I found that if I moved my scalp (you know by shifting it back and forth with your fingers) I could trigger this reaction. I also found that it was easier to trigger if my eyebrows were raised! I called my surgeon and his nurse informed me that the nerves in my scalp that were cut for the incision were still healing and that is what was causing this. I later found out that if I was a little gentler while towel drying my hair and scrunching my eyebrows downward it was less apt to happen.
Now it seems to have healed to the point where I can towel dry my hair as roughly as I wish and it does not cause any discomfort. None the less, I still feel that now, a little more than a year since surgery, there is still some healing going on in there.
I hope this helps you.