Author Topic: Saw a terrific audiologist and he says go with normal hearing aid!! Thoughts?  (Read 23391 times)


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Since hearing aids aren't covered in the U.S. (by insurance) couldn't anyone from Canada just come down here and get one for the same price I pay??  I think my aid is going to cost a couple thousand dollars including the audiology services.  I assume the transear would be more.  But those in border areas could come to the U.S. relatively easily, right?

Just wondering if that is an option for some of our Canadian neighbors.

4 cm right AN removed restrosigmoid 4/13/06
Partial facial paralysis, SSD and trigeminal numbness for now


  • Sr. Member
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  • Posts: 308
Ugh!  What a drag!  I guess if you lived in Toronto or Vancouver or somewhere like that you could make it work...but if you aren't on the border it would be a real hassle, especially in that breaking in period.

Blech to SSD and all the darn stuff we have to deal with!   >:(

4 cm right AN removed restrosigmoid 4/13/06
Partial facial paralysis, SSD and trigeminal numbness for now