I am so thankful you found the post and were able to relay your feelings. That I feel is part of the healing. It helped me Tremendously!!! There are many life experiences out there that make mine a little ant hill and for that I feel shameful for ever letting myself get so upset. I am here for you Joey! We all are! You will never be alone.
See, this is also self healing when one can reach out to others. (I think that is why councellors become councellors,, to heal themselves through others problems

You have been through alot! Some things cannot be changed, however I do know how you feel as my first pregnancy was an ectopic and I lost my right tube and ovary and part of my left ovary. I felt SO angry at the world. SO angry at abortion. So angry at mothers who treated their children with anything but love. So angry at mothers who would abandon their children on the streets. After 6 miscarriages I did eventually get into a fertility clinic and was able to have children. My anger Instantly disappeared. I know you were not able to heal in that way. But Joey, God (I do beleive in God here, so I'm using him here

) does have his reasons and there are no "NORMAL" people in this world. We all have our issues and problems. I DO feel very fortunate for my life and situation. I help people everyday because of my schwannoma. (it's cute to see people look at me and try to figure out where it is in my neck.. lol.. they shift their eyes side to side... haha)
I am told over and over again that I don't look sick. That I always have a smile on my face (they didnt see me MONDAY!!! lol). That I inspire others because no matter how down they are, I can always make them happy.
You know you have a purpose too Joey, that inspires others no matter how YOU feel inside. You ARE NORMAL. Your life is normal Joey, I can go on and on,,, and if you wish, I can email you with other thoughts, but I will stop here because just reading your history and knowing you are able to reach out to others for help, lets me know you will be ok. You WILL be ok

p.s. regarding the "being punished", I used to think the same way because my mom used to tell me "Rhonda, what ever you wish on someone, will come back to you 10 Fold (she passed away before my diagnosis from cancer)... well, I have wished LOTS of angry thoughts on people during my life,, and the first thing I thought of when I got the news of my Schwannoma was,, MOM WAS RIGHT!
But Joey, we were picked because we can handle it. You are definately worth going back to church,, infact, you will find a friend there who will NEVER let you down.. give it a try this Sunday and let me know!