I had a consult with Dr. Jho (actually his assistant) regarding my AN recurrence after I sent him my MRI's. He suggested retromastoid incision which is right behind the ear. Unfortunately for me, this is where the muscle flap is from the previous surgery 18 years ago. It gave me 10 years of headaches while it was healing. Dr. Jho thinks I will heal much faster the second time around. Let me tell you, no surgeon is ever concerned about headaches but I am, considering how debilitating they can be. In addition, he has only done one recurrance a year ago. So, I will not go with Dr. Jho but he has good results and can easily refer you to his former patients. Definitely worth a try.
Instead, I am going to SBI, Dr. Shahinian who also does endoscopic surgeries. He has done more recurrences and has achieved some spectacular outcomes for a few people on the forum (try to search on Dr. Shahinian). He feels he can put an endoscope in where there is no scar tissue and get out all of the tumor.
Good luck to you and keep us posted regarding your search and decision.