Alittle over nine years ago we began my husband's AN journey. For many reasons including size, location, being treated on emergency basis we were totally lost. We were facing significant outcomes, the realities of being disabled and the financial issues that follow. I didn't have a clue where to turn to, or whom to turn to. It was probably one of the darkest times of our lifes. Thankfully, I had guardian angels in earthly form who chose to walk along side of Chet and I until we were strong enough to walk this path. Lois White, (former ANA Director) David Minger, JoAnn Gunter and Dr Charles Mangham all played an important part. Each shared knowledge, compassion, each gave us hope, lent us their strength. listen with their ears and heart. Both Chet and I are better people because of what these 4 people did for us. What a priceless gift!!
Like so many others on this board we made the choice to walk along side of others till they to were strong enough to walk alone. Phyl, thank you so much for giving me credit, but the truth is, it was inside you all along!!! You made all these good things happen by researching and working so hard at understanding your options.
The value of this forum is inmeasureable. I see it in so many ways. Information shared, the reaching out, every good and positive outcome, we can all share in due to knowledge gained and shared. Each of us rejoice with and for every positive outcome. Everytime someone posts that they have safely made it thru each of us does the happy dance!!! For those traveling the path less travel (outcomes) you too hold a special place in our hearts and at this table of AN. We see your struggles. Know in your hearts that we stand with you and beside you. We see much more then the crooked smiles, or limp, the pain of headaches and all the other issues to numerous to count.
We see courage, inner strength, we see acceptence and hope for the future. We see your willingness that lessons and knowledge be gained from your experience so that others will benefit from your journey.
I am very proud to be a member of the AN family. Most of you will never know how much we value each of you. How much you mean to us. You stood with us thru the darkest of times. Surrounded us with love and strength when we lost our karina (granddaughter). Stood with us as we faced serious health issues and along the way made me laugh. We are both much better persons for knowing each of you.
You have made a positive difference in this journey. Those closest to me know the issues that we
still face in the future with Chet and other family members. Because of my AN family. i know we aren't alone!!
Hugs and Love