Hello Christine,
I have never really went on any of these sites before but I was looking a couple of weeks ago because a friend was needing support with something she is going through and while I was on I googled myself...! I was diagnosed with a Facial Nerve Nueroma 12 years ago when I was only 29, and back then I didnt have a computer so I didnt look up any information, and I havent really had the desire to do so since. I am surprised by the detail people know about their nueromas, me I know I had it and now its out.
My operation saw three being removed from the left side, and for six months I had no movement at all... My operation was in the May of 2000 and even although I can hardly remember what I had for my tea last night I remember that in the first week of December of that year I felt a quiver by my mouth and gradually the strength came back over the next few months. It is I have to say compromised and I will never be able to give a big cheesy grin in a photo again and I will always need gel to put in my eye as it gets a little dry at times but I have learned to live with the huge change in my life. Like you I have a hugely supportive family but no matter how much they say they love you and that you look fine, you are the one who will spend a lifetime with your reflection and it takes a lot of adjusting... I am a stronger person today because of what I have gone through, and some days I am proud of how I have coped, other days I am angry that I had to. There are all the sayings under the sun but none are as simple as the fact that 'Life really is too short' I have several workmates who are going through some pretty huge stuff at the moment and perspective is a wonderful thing. You will feel alone, I still do some days when I get fed up telling people I dont want to be in the class photo when I know I've told them umpteen times before...!!!
This post is my first and a bit all over the place I'm sorry but you can't fit 12 years in a couple of paragraphs. I cant give you a huge amount in the way of specifics about the technicaltities of my op, just basic stuff, but I've a degree in the emotional side of it, so ask away.
I'm up the road in Scotland, not too far, the same time zone...!
I have thought about you a lot since I came across your post but had to wait a couple of weeks for 'admin' approval to reply.
Hope Today was a good day
Kind regards Susan