Just noticed your message, I don't come on the board much anymore. I had a 4.5cm AN removed in Oct 07 which did cut the facial nerve. I had the VII/XII transfer a week later. I know its different but I did get feeling back in stages all that started with tingling (the sensations kind of moved across my face a little bit at a time). But I will say that if you don't get any progress in a year and start looking at options, if I could do it over I would not have the VII/XII transfer done. I know many have had it and it does give back some tone, feeling, and slight movement but I think I would rather have my tongue back than the facial repair. This is just my opinion and if the facial paralysis really bothers you, maybe you would prefer the transfer results, but I have to say eating is a chore now. Its hard to describe how much I now realize I used my tongue to eat and how awkward it is now trying to prevent choking (I still forget sometimes and take big bites which tend to slip past and go right down my throat).
Hopefully you won't even have to worry about this but if you do, think it through. Its not unbearable and obviously I can live with my decision, but I would not do it again.
Good Luck,