Hi Patti,
I just joined this forum (today is 8-18-11) after doing a search on Brainport information on Google, and coming across your post here, about the BP. I have personally have been in contact online, with a really nice woman named Annie, who has many issues with balance and severe dizziness due to several serious health issues... and she had a wonderful group of friends who did a fundraiser to buy a Brainport for her!! She lives in the United States and went up to Canada to obtain her Brainport device about a year and 1/2 (or so) ago.... and she has had wonderful results from the Brainport in helping to relieve a lot of her dizziness and balance and sensory issues. I myself have had severe and constant and unrelenting vertigo/dizziness and ringing in my ears and extremely bad headaches, extreme fatigue, weird and disturbing visual and sensory issues... where I feel like I am seeing the world through a tunnel... or through a veil/fog.... or like I just woke up from anesthesia, along with terrible pressure in my head and ears. Thankfully I do not have hearing loss!! I am grateful for that. I am probably not doing a very good job of describing all of my icky vestibular symptoms to you at this moment, because looking at the computer is bothering my eyes and making my dizziness worse, so I am trying to keep this brief for now. But anyway, I am posting here, hoping you will come back to read this... because there is a big chance that the BP device could help you a lot... and I can talk with you more online, or through email, if you would like. In fact, if I can be of any help to you (because I understand how horrific it is to suffer with vestibular issues) then please contact me anytime. My doctors have never given me a solid/definitive diagnosis... and I've been told that I could have atypical Meniere's or vestibular migraines, among several other things. All I know is that I have been suffering terribly, for almost 7 years straight, and I have searched high and low for an answer to my vestibular issue... as well as something that can bring me some relief from this, as it is 24/7. I found Annie on an one of many internet forums for vestibular issues, after searching for information myself about the Brainport. I emailed her and she was very helpful and willing to share any information about her experience with the Brainport. I am sure she would be more than happy to communicate with you about the BP, as well, if you want to contact her about that. Please message me and let me know... and I can email her and ask her to get in contact with you, or have you contact her online. I am still very interested in purchasing a Brainport for myself, up in Canada (Vancouver area), as I live in New Mexico... so I would be closest to the Brainport center that is in Vancouver. There is also one in, or near Toronto, I believe... and also one in England. Insurance does not cover the device, so you would have to pay for everything out of pocket.... but the price has gone down significantly for the device, at least... so that helps a little. Anyway, I hope you read this, since your post was from several months ago. Take care, and maybe we can connect about this soon.
Sincerely, Lisa