I'm just wondering if anyone had full body muscle twitches as a symptom? I have strong muscle twitches all over my body (thighs, buttock, arms, thumb, stomach) that come and go. I know racial twitching is common but is this a typical symptom?
I'm not diagnosed but my symptoms are pointing to AN but the muscle twitches are making me believe it may be something else. I'm trying to push for a second MRI but I want to be sure.
My symptoms have been going on for 2 years now. It started with dizzy spells that came and went randomly. Then, my tongue started getting tingly and numb out of nowhere. Then, my left ear became plugged and I could hear my heartbeat frequently. I also had a loud humming sound in the same ear that lasted about a minute. My ear is now constantly blocked, I get dizzy spells, my face feels as though it is tightening up on affected side, I get brain fog, a mild headache behind ear/base of left skull, balance issues, fatigue and feel very off and/or drunk. I also have said muscle spasms throughout my body.
I do have an impacted(not infected) wisdom tooth on the affected side and I'm wondering if that could be the cause of my symptoms?
I've had an MRI (without contrast) about 6 months from the start of symptoms that was clear, two different ear/balance testings and all blood work is normal.
Any help would be much appreciated!