Author Topic: Everything Tastes Bad #metoo Please Help/Advise  (Read 1903 times)


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Everything Tastes Bad #metoo Please Help/Advise
« on: January 22, 2020, 05:54:39 pm »
Hello...Please Help

I am actually posting this trying to get help or assistance for my mother.  She recently had surgery on her Left artery in her groin to place 2 stints placed.  She had to be intubated and put on a ventilator and kept sedated for a few days so she could not move her leg if I remember right she was kept under sedation for 3 days.  This was before Thanksgiving 2019.  However ... ever since her taste is off she says everything tastes like metal or foul rotten ... she now has been back into the hospital 3 times for malnutrition and dehydration because she simply cannot stand to eat .. and its not that she isn't hungry she just .. cant keep anything down because food makes her nauseous.  To make things worse for me.. I don't live near them and my father is having a terrible time trying to get her well again.  The worst thing is that before this surgery she at least had a good quality of life but now I fear she has simply given up.  The doctors appear to be at a loss on what to do ... she has been scheduled this week for an EGD but my parents are so afraid on what may happen next they are on the fence about doing anything.