I had surgery in 2010. The tumor grew back and I had radiation just a few months later. The tumor swelled from radiation and the problems began. At that point I lost my hearing on the one side, got Bells Palsy, and woke up with headaches from you know where. I felt dull and in a fog all the time. Not a life I wanted. Once things settled down, I went back to Vestibular Therapy. I was working with my PT for 3-4 appointments when she mentioned Cervicogenic Therapy. She thought it might help me feel better. So I thought...why not, I have nothing to lose. From the onset, I realized that this is the whole problem and has been for a long, long time. My golf ball of a tumor has caused me to compensate, use the wrong muscles, and basically lose all the strength in my upper body. I have a long way to go but after 6 sessions of this therapy, I feel hope again. God Bless excellent Physical Therapists who are so good at their jobs!
This has been an absolute miracle in my life and I just thought I would share. Check it out, don't wait and don't accept a therapist that sort of knows what it is.