Today is my one year anniversary from Radiosurgery, and 8 months since becoming very ill from it. At first I felt so grateful and blessed because it was only an AN and not a cancerous tumor, I went into this so completely uneducated, I am not blaming anyone but myself, I am so angry that I didn't research this, I don't use the computer except to enter the books and didn't realize there was tons of info out there.
The depression has been so horrible, it is like a black hole that totally consumes you. There is a rage that makes me want to scream and a sadness that I can't explain. Some days or even weeks I feel like I'm coming out of it and then wham it hits again.
I am a totally different person since this, I used to be independant, travel on my own. I loved to work out and felt pretty fit and healthy. I am afraid to travel on my own because the movement can make me sick in an instant, I am slowly starting to work out but it is on cardio machines where I can hang on. I am trying and have never foiught so hard in my life.
I hope this isn't to much info, I just needed to say this, and everyone who has been through this understands.
Take care, Deb