I guess I am feeling down. I ran out of eye tape last night, sleep was minimal and miserable with my eye open all night. So today, there I was on the anniversary of my surgery stocking up on necessities for the aftermath of my Acoustic Neuroma. I am 9 years post-op and there seems to be no hope for improvement. After my surgery "they " told me that my facial nerve would repair. Daily, I anticipated the return of my face, my smile, my blink, my expression of who I am. Six days, then six weeks… then six months turned into six years…after the first few years I lost hope. That was painful. Now, it is how it is. I am not angry or depressed. Most of the time I forget my face is paralyzed. I have adjusted emotionally. However, I am single, so…my hopes are diluted to ever finding someone who could find me attractive. Seldom does my face convey my true emotion. I was a very animated person before paralysis. Now I just look deranged. Hey, it can’t steal my joy. I just know that when I get to Heaven I will be grateful to have had this experience. And I’ll be smiling…really BIG!!!! I am always amazed how sharing feelings brings clarity…it is the product of release. An essential part of going forward. Thanks for listening. cate