General Category > Hearing Issues

BAHA Implant Problems

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I really think that there are a rare few (me) that just have to deal with the skin growing around the abuttment.  I don't often hear of other people having this problem.  I even checked on the BAHA wearer forum and read through all the old posts there to see if there was any mention, and only found one person who had this problem and she was told by her doctor to wear the healing cap at night to keep the skin under control.  Sounds like a good idea to if I could only remember where I put that healing cap my doctor told me to hang onto.... ???

It's not like this is a constant problem for me - maybe once every few months or so.  I haven't quite figured out the trigger and it hasn't made me want my BAHA any less.  It is frustrating, but once you get it under control and figure out how to deal with the occasional flare-ups, it's not really any problem.


Hi Guys,

Sorry for the late reply.  I went back to work this week (7 months from surgery date) and by the time I get home I'm totally pooped.  The doctor said I would be tired and he wasn't kidding.  It's nice to be back at work but, what a challenge routine things have become. Hoping next week will get easier as my body adjusts to real work again.

My doctor called monday or should I say the doctor's nurse did and said I need to be seen by someone where I'm living.  Unfortunately I live in the middle of nowhere, FL and the nearest BAHA doctor is 4 hours away, my doctor is 7 hours from here, and since I just started back to work.....  Anyway, the swelling has gone down on its own and I immediately started back wearing the plastic snap on cap to keep the skin at bay.  It hurt for a day while the skin asjusted but it seems to be working.   My hair is really short, would be nice if the cap came in some color other than white. ;D

Robin -

when you get your processor (Divino or Intenso) the cap that comes with it won't be white.  It will be whatever color the processor is (in my case brown). 

So if it's any consolation, at some point you should get a cap that isn't white and won't show through your hair.


I think Robin was referring to the healing cap... at least that's what I thought.  But Jan is right, the one that comes with the processor will match whatever color you chose.

Does anyone wear that little plastic thing that come with the processor?  I wore it when I was at the shore over the summer, just to keep sand out of the abuttment, but that was the only time I used it.  That little tiny thing is hard to put on when you can't see what you're doing!



--- Quote from: lori67 on March 14, 2009, 07:27:03 pm ---

Does anyone wear that little plastic thing that come with the processor? 

--- End quote ---

I've never worn that little plastic thing, but I've very carefully stored it next to the little clip thing with the string!

Something I've noticed just within the last few weeks --- all the numbness around my BAHA implant has disappeared! My head really feels absolutely normal again. I realized it first when I went for my most recent haircut/highlight session. I had gotten so used to the numbness (it never particularly bothered me) that I didn't even think about it. Has this happened to anyone else? I should add that the titanium abutment was "installed" in January 2008.

Catherine (JerseyGirl 2)


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