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Eye Issues / Re: LacriLube Eye Ointment
« Last post by Jill Marie on April 12, 2024, 09:22:14 pm »
Hi! I know exactly how you are feeling, I use ointment 24/7 also and have since 1992.  I'm also left side deaf, dry eye and some paralysis.  I have experienced the no more eye ointment issues as well, discontinued, changed ingredients (new ones burn eye), increased price a lot and my favorite, temporarily out of stock while we change the design on the tube!  I have a HUGE stock of it now, to avoid future panic.  I use Bausch and Lomb Soothe PM.  I also wear an Acuvue Oasys w/Hydraluxe daily lens. It's a soft lens that I put in first thing in the morning and wear all day.  The lens cost just over $1.00 a day. It's worth it, before I got the lens I wanted my eye removed because I couldn't stand the pain anymore despite using 3 to 4 tubes of ointment a day.  I hope this helps!  Jill :)
Eye Issues / Re: Any other cycclists out there???
« Last post by annwn on April 10, 2024, 07:28:03 pm »
I bikejor, so preferably most of my biking is done in cold temps, the colder the better. I wear ski goggles now all the time when bikejoring to keep my eyes moist and unfrozen.
Inquiries / Re: Should I be concerned
« Last post by DanFouratt on April 10, 2024, 03:05:24 pm »
Pre-Treatment Options / Re: Newbie without diagnosis...yet
« Last post by DanFouratt on April 10, 2024, 03:04:28 pm »
I cannot speak about your issues.  For me the MRI is done, hour at most, with contrast.  I then get in the car and drive 5 miles down to road to the doctor's office and we review them.  I am not affected at all from the MRI.
Pre-Treatment Options / Re: Newbie without diagnosis...yet
« Last post by Angela330 on April 10, 2024, 12:04:00 pm »
 I just had my 7th MRI.  They last about an hour without & with contrast. They will put an IV in your arm.  First part will be without contrast & 1/2 way thru they will pull you out & put the contrast in your IV.   They will put headphone on & let you listen to music.  The machine will bang around a lot.  After it's done they will remove the IV & you are free to go.  I usually have the MRI that same day as I see my Dr.  I think the hardest part is the not knowing the results  I wish you the best.  I understand how scary all this can be. 
Pre-Treatment Options / Re: Newbie without diagnosis...yet
« Last post by Greece Lover on April 10, 2024, 11:05:49 am »
They put the contrast dye into your arm, sort of like drawing blood. 
there's no recovery from the MRI. you're just done and leave. (at least that was my experience.)
Inquiries / Re: Should I be concerned
« Last post by Laura B on April 10, 2024, 11:03:58 am »
Just wanted to provide an update before I leave.

Got results of my MRI today seven months after my actual MRI and all completely clear. :)
Eye Issues / Re: Any other cycclists out there???
« Last post by Greece Lover on April 10, 2024, 11:03:12 am »
I have had something similar.  I noticed it in the fall (about four months after my surgery).  I walk to work every day and in a cold wind my eye would get blurry on the AN side. My doc said it was probably that the facial nerve was still healing if it took some trauma during the surgery and that it could improve over time.  It has and I don't generally notice it any more. 

don't know if that's what's up with you, but maybe could be.  He also said that it could heal over time, but that nerves heal very slowly. 
Thanks a lot  for your answer.

I was told by some people similar things. But right now I can only think my life is over. What your telling does give me a bit of hope, I am wishing very hard to believe in it.

Ona more practical aspect, I  am worried that I am not getting enough support. The ENT assigned to me by the hospital does not answer my mails.i had one appointment in February and the next one is not even scheduled… I will have a second MRI in June.
Inquiries / Re: Am I normal?
« Last post by UkulelesAreAwesome on April 09, 2024, 09:12:08 pm »
I was diagnosed with thyroid problems in 2015. The problems were somewhat under control. The thyroid issues have been more noticeable and much harder to control after I had gamma knife. My thyroid problems are autoimmune  I've been diagnosed with hashimotos and graves. I take medication for it but it's a challenge these days. I have many of the symptoms you mentioned.
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