Author Topic: Stress???  (Read 15282 times)


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Re: Stress???
« Reply #15 on: March 05, 2009, 09:17:16 pm »
Oh Maueen,

I love saying NO.  I use to always say YES, but not any more!!!  I suffer from severe headache and facial pain and I wish there was a Bath and Body Works up here in Canada.  I read some place that they are coming.  There is one store near Toronto, I think my girlfriend and I are going to have to go on a road trip and find it.  The scented pillow with lemon or lavender oil would help relieve stress immensely.  Someone gave me a lavender linen spray last year and it is almost finished.  I find lavender to be a very calming smell.

My husband never knew what stress was until four years ago when I broke my leg and was on complete bead rest.  He had to do the laundry for all of us.  We have four sons, make lunches, cook meals, help me shower....that was a major ordeal....I'm keeping it clean....clean bathrooms, the pots and pans, and work full time.  He finally realized why our sons had certain chores and why as they got older they were expected to do more. 

Enjoy your aromatherapy oils and think of me!
Anne Marie
Sept 8/06 Translab
Post surgical headaches, hemifacial spasms and a scar neuroma. 
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Re: Stress???
« Reply #16 on: March 05, 2009, 09:29:35 pm »
Anne Marie:   I love Lavender ! !  I use it whenever I can, lavender soap, spray....  you're right,  calming it is.
Always good thoughts,   Nancy
2.2cm length x 1.7cm width x 1.3cm  depth
retrosigmoid 6/19/06
Gold weight 7/19/06, removed 3/07
lateral tarsel strip X3
T3 procedure 11/20/07
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Re: Stress???
« Reply #17 on: March 23, 2009, 12:57:04 am »
I practice a little bit of Tai chi most days, walk daily, and get in a nature walk weekly. That, and work with my mind to interpret things in ways that are less stressful (using some of the books on cognitive therapy for anxiety and depression). most of the time, my balance is quite good. When my balance is off kilter, it usually during times when my life in general is "out of balance".  Times when I missed walking too many days in a row, or didn't allow myself time for the gift of a short drive to my favorite nature walk. Then my balance gets off, and my face even seems droopier. Kate
Surgery 5-1-2000,  3.9cm, Huntington Memorial Hospital, Pasadena, California. 
Gold weight first couple of years.
Palbebral eyelid spring 2004 by Dr. Robert Levine "saved my life."
 I  have been enjoying life a lot, even with a crooked face and one sided hearing.


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Re: Stress???
« Reply #18 on: March 29, 2009, 09:05:23 pm »
Sorry, I too suffer from stress and depression. However, I have not figure it out yet on how to handle it all. So, I am just trying different things. But, I have not found anything yet that has worked. I am hoping that when the weather warms up a bit that I can take walks around the block to see if that helps me.

However,  a tread mill might help too like one of the other post said.


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Re: Stress???
« Reply #19 on: May 13, 2009, 04:53:14 pm »
I get exactly those symptoms when stressed.  Wow!  I am not the only one.  We need to figure out a way to keep stress at bay.  How do we do that?  I am two years out surgery and its worse thaN EVER, my emotions are going crazy too.
8mm by 13mm located in left cerebellopontine angle extending into internal auditory canal growing toward brainstem. Surgery in March 07 with Dr. David M. Kaylie at Baptist Hospital in Nashville


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Re: Stress???
« Reply #20 on: May 19, 2009, 05:20:16 am »
Well, I am still trying to "walk" my stress off.  My symptoms continue to feel worse if I am tired or stressed and I am still W&W.  I also quit smoking a year and a half ago (yeah for me), don't feel any better, glad I did for my health and the price.  But smoking helped keep my stress level down, now since I can't sing, I guess I will keep walking. 

And to NancyAnn, I lost my mind a long time ago but it keeps coming back!! ::)

LisaP ;D
AN at 12mm by 7mm by 7mm,  shown no growth as of September 26, 2013, 5.5 years into this journey.  Next MRI 2015. Doctors: Mason and McKenna.  Continue to W&W


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Re: Stress???
« Reply #21 on: May 19, 2009, 11:19:17 am »
Hi everybody....I have been down the "bad" road this past week....stress,pain,headache.....tears. My primary doctor refussed to refill pain/muscle relaxer until I am evaluated at Pain Clinic on the 28th. I felt as if I had been pushed off of a cliff. After 6 days I was a gonner. Sunday I called my nieghbor an she came over and she gave me 1 of her anxiety pills and I quit crying,but pain was still so bad. I got an appointment with neurosurgeon for yesterday. She gave me an exam and said I have trigeminal neuralgia and neuropathy. Not much you can do but she did refill my meds. I SLEPT last night very well,relatively pain/anxiety free,also ordered an MRI. Soooooo much better today. Thank God for her. Today is a much brighter day. My balance is terrible but I am walking and looking forward to the day.....just being careful not to fall. The "body" pain, induced from stress on the joints and muscles to stay upright is debilitating if I don't take something for it. After 6 days it was awful. She admittedly said "they" really don't know what the "leftovers" are from radiation. HELLO!!!! Finally someone tells the truth. I have the Wii, Yoga,Tai Chi, 3 wheel bike etc. etc. Looking forward to pool warming up so I can use it. I think I'm on the right path again and will start all over with a positive outlook and press on. Thanks guys for your sharing of your issues and letting me know I am not alone. It's so great to have you all.


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Re: Stress???
« Reply #22 on: May 19, 2009, 12:25:07 pm »
Hi Judy-I know the stuff all to well...just trying to be upright is killing me!I am doing chiro...massage...physical therapy,,walking & nothing is helping these damn muscle spasms.I am taking amuscle relaxer,aniety med,alternating percocette,darvecett,tramadol...itry to limit pain killers to 1/2 a day & try not to take anything before 3pm so i can try to function
by 3:00 i have had it.I am also taking migrain meds as needed.We Will Get Through This!
2cm removed retrosig 6/26/08
DartmouthHitchcock medical center lebanon,N.H.
43yrs old


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Re: Stress???
« Reply #23 on: May 19, 2009, 04:12:15 pm »
From what everybody is saying, this roller coaster ride we are on seems to be universal with AN patients!  Now, if we can just remember that good days are intertwined with the bad days when we are on the downward ones .........   :-*

Hang in there ..... each month there are more good days and fewer bad days!  (..... and it does not hurt to have a pity party on the bad ones!)


Right MVD for trigeminal neuralgia, 1994, Pittsburgh, PA
Left retrosigmoid 2.6 cm AN removal, February, 2008, Duke U
Tumor regrew to 1.3 cm in February, 2011
Translab AN removal, May, 2011 at HEI, Friedman & Schwartz
Oticon Ponto Pro abutment implant at same time; processor added August, 2011

cecile k

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Re: Stress???
« Reply #24 on: May 19, 2009, 04:22:56 pm »
I started taking a B 50 vitamin complex in the evening about two weeks ago and can't believe the difference this past week. I have more energy, virtually no headaches and just feel hubby commented yesterday that I'm a new person :-)



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Re: Stress???
« Reply #25 on: May 20, 2009, 11:12:38 am »
Cin!!!! I see you have left side tongue too. Sometimes eat soft foods because it is easier to get down. My face sunburn, gum lines sore/burning sensation....can't have toothache because they are implants. Muscle tightness, lower back issues from trying to stay upright is difficult and painful. The balance/headaches are my worst enemies right now. No matter what I do to relieve them I'm not having much luck. I have so much I want to do but just can't. That sounds "not good" but it's the simple truth and I am very frustrated and in an unusual funk. I can usually find something to do to make myself better......struggling to find it these days. Got any ideas?
Thanks a bunch...........


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Re: Stress???
« Reply #26 on: May 20, 2009, 05:01:34 pm »
I am w/  still searching...????
Today was a really crappy day!I had to go to a appoitment w/state to go over my medical coverage..since i have been approved for disability....They now gave me a spend down limit ...i have to spend so much per month then send them the reciept & they pay the rest..just what i needed more paper work to do monthly.They also cut my food card completely since i am a single mom.....i have an annuity that pays once a year not alot 1,200 they divided that by 12 & added that to my income also. :'( :'( so now i am over the
amount to get assisatnce for food.I am trying not to stress becouse i know what it will do to me.O.K  i got it off my chest...
Its just all so over whelming.
2cm removed retrosig 6/26/08
DartmouthHitchcock medical center lebanon,N.H.
43yrs old


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Re: Stress???
« Reply #27 on: May 20, 2009, 05:50:46 pm »
O.k. i broke out the Ben N Jerry's Chunky Mokey Icecream...i am feeling better.
Maybe you should try this Judy??
2cm removed retrosig 6/26/08
DartmouthHitchcock medical center lebanon,N.H.
43yrs old


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Re: Stress???
« Reply #28 on: May 21, 2009, 02:13:17 pm »
Good idea Cin.....Heathbar Crunch is my fav!.....Pepperidge Farm cookies did it for me last night! ONLY 2 though!!!!!



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Re: Stress???
« Reply #29 on: September 17, 2009, 08:23:55 am »
Cin605.........Haven't seen any posts from you lately. How are you doing now? I still have multiple issues going on but trying hard to work through them.