Post-Treatment > Cognitive/Emotional Issues

Memory loss post surgery

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Hi Heather .....

Mel is right about our brains using a great deal more energy directed at trying to hear and keep our balance that some of the perceived memory loss is really a refocusing that is happening.

The good thing about that is, time has a wonderful way of helping us to adjust.  As we regain more balance and/or adapt to the lesser (or at least different) input of sound, these things become more automatic and we can return again to focusing on recalling events from our memory.

Right after my first surgery 3 1/2 years ago, I had significant memory problems.  It was terribly depressing because I was so afraid this might be part of the "new me."  As time goes on, my memory has improved to where I think I am essentially the same as before the diagnosis of an acoustic neuroma.

If, indeed, your symptoms are increasing, by all means check with your doctor.

For many years I have taken Salmon Oil capsules daily as a supplement, as well as eat fish at least once a week.  Who knows?  Perhaps that has been the secret.


Heather Craig:
Thanks for the advice Clarice. Since everyone is talking about vitamins I might just give it a try. I'd try anything to avoid another surgery or prescription meds that might alter me more than the AN already has :)

Jim Scott:
Hi, Heather - and welcome.

I'm sorry to lean about your post-op problems.  You've already received some good answers to your question regarding post-op memory loss so I won't belabor the issue beyond stating that even though I experienced an almost trouble-free AN surgery (and radiation) I have noticed some slight memory loss.  I attributed it to age (I'm 68) but realize that it might well be related to the surgery and the increased work my brain has to do just to function relatively normally.  Fortunately, it is minor and doesn't impact my quality of life.  I admire your positive, optimistic attitude in the face of your post-op issues and hope things improve for you, soon.


P.S. MRI scans do not use radiation so not to worry about mutating/growing a tail. ;)

Hey sorry you've been having all these problems post surgery...I too have had some issues with memory loss. I was just commenting to my wife the other day how I've noticed how bad my word useage has gotten when I write.  Maybe it's because I'm getting a little older (I'm almost 47) but I always have prided myself on my writing abilities. Also, it seems that my powers of name recollection are a little worse than usual.  I can talk about someone and then a little bit later I'll try to remember their name...and can't! Most frustrating!  But, all in all my experiences post surgery have been on the positive side. I tend to be the glass half full type person anyways, and my outlook on that hasn't changed.  Take care, hang in there Heather! And keep venting....we know how you feel! :)

Mei Mei:
Hi and welcome to the ANA Forum.
I'm having the same problems especially with Jay.    I even spell wrong when I'm typing emails.   I even forget sending emails and send again.    I called an audiologist near me and he returned my call  and I have no recollection of that.  I called them and the secy. said you talked with him last week.    I stop mid sentence and forget what I was saying.   It's really awful.   I took a two day neuropsych.  exam and my IQ went way down especially my vocabulary.   It didn't halp that I was having a headache during the exam.

Mei Mei


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