Author Topic: Looking at Surgeons and Treatment facilities  (Read 2706 times)

Citadel mom

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Looking at Surgeons and Treatment facilities
« on: January 15, 2018, 04:41:02 pm »
Diagnosed with a 3cm AN, know treatment option is Translab. based on size and already have significant loss of hearing with mass effect on brainstem and cerebellum. Already met with Dr. Rivas and Thompson at Vanderbilt, really liked both of them and facility, but concerned with distance (6 1/2 hour drive). Any body had surgery at Vanderbilt with these doctors and don't mind sharing their experience? Had an appointment already set for Duke, Dr. Zomorodi for 25th don't know if should meet with him too just because closer (3 1/2 hours). Any input on him and Duke would be appreciated too.