Just thought I'd update everyone on my Topamax use--I'm up to 150 mgs a day and have been using it for 16 months now and my headaches have changed dramatically. I'm rarely having what I call "spontaeous migraines",
meaning those wake-up-in-the-morning-or-the-middle-of-the-night-with-it-headaches. Which means I think I have reduced one source of the problem, since I think I have many triggers for this post craniotomy migraine syndrome. I haven't had to give myself a shot of Imitrex in over 2 months now!
Also good news is I have lost 20 pounds and am actually 10 pounds below my pre-surgery weight which doesn't bother me one bit!
I am going to my local pain clinic about every 5 weeks for nerve blocks to my occipital nerve for a bit of occipital neuralgia which is another contibutor to the syndrome. It's like removing the dominoes one by one from the line so they don't all fall down and cause the brain wreck!
Not to say I'm headache free, but life is so much better now I can hardly believe it!!!!
Hugs to all you headache sufferers and may you all find someting that works for you
Capt Deb