Author Topic: Dry Eye why after 34 years?  (Read 10374 times)


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Dry Eye why after 34 years?
« on: January 24, 2016, 09:59:55 am »
AN surgery in 81
VII and VIII nerve sectioned

I've used eye drops since 81, wind etc. would dry eye but nothing I couldn't handle.
most normal days I would use 3 or 4 drops.
last year or so I did seem to be using more but not having any eye problem other than the usual.
Then about 6 weeks ago eye feeling dry and like something in it.
I flush with drops as I always had when something would get in eye but that wasn't working this time.

So after a few weeks of not being able to keep enough drops in eye and still feeling like something in it all the time
I go to local eye Dr. he puts me on refresh pm ointment at night.
a few days of this and I'm sent out of town to eye dr.
He says I have dry eye and need gold weight implant and lower lid lift.
he also changes my regular eye drops to refresh gel drops for daytime
 and still use refresh pm ointment at night.

he also said 2 types of tears the kind that covers your eye and what they call crybaby tears.
he said I had the first, that every one did.

so now I cant seem to use enough drops, waking up several times at night dry, crusty and hurting
which never happened before.
I'm wondering what has changed, surgery might help but I don't think it will fix my problem.
my non AN eye has lately felt a little dry which has never happened but that could be from being so tired.
maybe just getting older and don't have as many tears.
any suggestions on relief etc.
will listen to any and all
Diagnosed: Aug. 1981, AN 3 cm
headaches, dizzy
surgery: Sep. 1981, Age:22, BMC Texas
Dizzy, Deaf left side, Left facial paralysis


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Re: Dry Eye why after 34 years?
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2016, 04:15:51 pm »
I wear a scleral lens during the day, because of the lens I don't use lubricant every 1-2 hours anymore. Dr. Ken Maller, Ft. Lauderdale, FL is THE BEST for scleral lens, if you're not in the area & can't travel, find someone near you who is proficient in scleral lenses.  It was a life saver for me, now I love the wind in my face!  I also put lubricant in at night when I take the lens out, then use the NITEYE bubble bandage, it makes a 'moisture chamber' for the eye & protects the cornea at night (so my open eye doesn't get scratched on the pillow).  The NITEYE bubble bandage is kind of pricey, I buy them by the case.  You can also cut a piece of saran wrap & tape it around your eye - I did that before I found the bubble bandage, but it was a pain in the neck & because I have long eyelashes they would bother my eye, so the bubble is best for me.  So that's my protocal.
Definitely get the weight for your upper eyelid - I have a platinum weight.  Also, if you can find someone to do a canthal lateral sling on your lower lid it's best, it'll last longer.  & yes, the older we get, our eyes get dry, so I understand the dryness you're experiencing in your non AN eye.
2.2cm length x 1.7cm width x 1.3cm  depth
retrosigmoid 6/19/06
Gold weight 7/19/06, removed 3/07
lateral tarsel strip X3
T3 procedure 11/20/07
1.6 Gm platinum weight 7/10/08
lateral canthal sling 11/14/08
Jones tube insert right inner eye 2/27/09
2.4 Gm. Platinum chain 2017
right facial paralysis


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Re: Dry Eye why after 34 years?
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2016, 05:09:07 pm »
I think you have become my new best friend.
you have been the only one I've had contact with, I appreciate all the info you have shared.
a few days ago I did buy a thermal moist heat compress, heat in microwave.
it does feel good but will only stay heated a short time.
good for daytime.

Where did you purchase the niteye bubble?
 I will check into that.
Diagnosed: Aug. 1981, AN 3 cm
headaches, dizzy
surgery: Sep. 1981, Age:22, BMC Texas
Dizzy, Deaf left side, Left facial paralysis


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Re: Dry Eye why after 34 years?
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2016, 05:21:32 pm »
hey THBKS:  re: eye bandage,  NITEYE BUBBLE.  The company who now sells them is called Beaver Visitec.  I bought a carton in October, cost me close to $500: 14 bandages/box, 24 boxes, 336 bandages total.  The part number is 90305.
2.2cm length x 1.7cm width x 1.3cm  depth
retrosigmoid 6/19/06
Gold weight 7/19/06, removed 3/07
lateral tarsel strip X3
T3 procedure 11/20/07
1.6 Gm platinum weight 7/10/08
lateral canthal sling 11/14/08
Jones tube insert right inner eye 2/27/09
2.4 Gm. Platinum chain 2017
right facial paralysis


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Re: Dry Eye why after 34 years?
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2016, 08:01:21 pm »
Maybe your dry-eye isn’t AN related. Maybe its just your age?

Take Care ;)

Left-Translab July '09. Cyberknife Jan 2010. In Apr 2017, four more tumors found; three in the brain and one, 7cm long, on my spinal cord; it was surgically removed. It was cancerous, and so are the others. I've been receiving Chemo since June '18, and I'm still in treatment.


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Re: Dry Eye why after 34 years?
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2016, 09:16:06 pm »

yes, I did state maybe just getting older.
I'm starting to think that is the problem

Interested in all the input and remedies, helps me see what I can come up with.
Diagnosed: Aug. 1981, AN 3 cm
headaches, dizzy
surgery: Sep. 1981, Age:22, BMC Texas
Dizzy, Deaf left side, Left facial paralysis

Jill Marie

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Re: Dry Eye why after 34 years?
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2016, 12:49:14 am »

They say timing is everything, you sure have good timing!  Nancyann use to be on the board a lot then not very often, thankfully for you she's back again as she is a wealth of good information as you have read. 

We have a lot in common, I had my surgery back in 92, although not as long ago as you or as young as you but do know what it's like to have the surgery and not the support of this board.  I found this board several years ago and was so very glad I did.  I was like Nancyann, wanting the doctors to remove my eye because of the pain.  Thankfully I got the scleral lens Christmas of 2012, best Christmas present ever.  I found out about the lens from this board, not from an eye doctor.

About a year ago I had some problems, not sure if it's just me or the lens but I stopped using the lens this past Fall.  I developed allergy problems so I started using  the daily lens by Acuvue, it's the Oasys HydraLuxe.  I love the lens, put it in my eye in the morning and throw it out before I go to bed.  No cleaning solutions, etc.  Perhaps this would work for you, for both eyes.  As you and others have mentioned, as we age our eyes get drier.  The lens costs just under a dollar a day, just under two for you of course.  I'm working on getting the Insurance company to pay for mine, doubt it will happen but have to try.  For me, there's no choice, lens or remove the eye.  Before I got the scleral lens I spent over $4,000 a year on ointment, it didn't start out that way 24 years ago, so yes things do change. 

Best be going to bed now as I have to work in the morning, or should I say get to work in the morning because without the scleral lens I would have had to file for disability.  Jill Marie :) :)
Facial Nerve Neuroma removed 6/15/92 by Dr. Charles Mangham, Seattle Ear Clinic. Deaf/left ear, left eye doesn't water.


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Re: Dry Eye why after 34 years?
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2016, 01:25:42 pm »
Jill Marie
eye seems to be doing some better especially daytime.

also been having headaches, dizzy, pressure in the head last several days
all worse than usual, could be nothing or eye could be causing the other problems
not sure.

went to dr. this morning and explained to him then to local VA rep, he made some calls
so going to Veterans Adm. in the morning for blood work
even though it may take awhile to get going,
they should set me up with some test.
at least I can get in the system and get some things checked out.

I feel blessed I've done this good this long.

this forum helps in so many ways.
the support is great.
suggestions on what others have done or used.
I feel a lot more informed, so if a Dr. mentions something I have a better chance of knowing what he is talking about.
Diagnosed: Aug. 1981, AN 3 cm
headaches, dizzy
surgery: Sep. 1981, Age:22, BMC Texas
Dizzy, Deaf left side, Left facial paralysis


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Re: Dry Eye why after 34 years?
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2016, 02:30:13 pm »
Interested in all the input and remedies, helps me see what I can come up with.
thanks’s a tip, Scleral works great for many of us.

Take Care  ;)

Left-Translab July '09. Cyberknife Jan 2010. In Apr 2017, four more tumors found; three in the brain and one, 7cm long, on my spinal cord; it was surgically removed. It was cancerous, and so are the others. I've been receiving Chemo since June '18, and I'm still in treatment.


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Re: Dry Eye why after 34 years?
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2016, 10:11:30 pm »
Thanks Doc
I've been researching every tip I get,
who knows some will help now and some might benefit me down the road.

some talk about using lens and being able to let the wind blow in their face.
that would feel nice, have actually walked backwards many times to keep wind
from hurting eye.
I guess you do what you got to do.
thanks again
Diagnosed: Aug. 1981, AN 3 cm
headaches, dizzy
surgery: Sep. 1981, Age:22, BMC Texas
Dizzy, Deaf left side, Left facial paralysis


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Re: Dry Eye why after 34 years?
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2016, 03:17:53 pm »
I had my AN in 85 and a recurrence in 93.  My eye seems to be getting worst with age. I have had the lower lid lift, 5-6 gold weights in and out of my upper lid and now have two with a total of 3 g. I can't wear the Sclera lens for some reason.
But two things that have helped me over the past year. First was having both my tear ducts plugged. I have had the upper one plugged for some time now but the lower one was plugged a year ago. Now my eye waters sometime. Second best thing I did was have the blood serum eye drops made. It is just amazing how much they help. When I don't have them I am using the Natural Tears on the average 1-2 times an hour. With the Blood drops it's 4-5 times a day. Even when my eye waters, like it does now with the tear duct plugs the quality of the tears that is produced isn't as good as the blood drops, according to my DR.   
I can't stop doing what I do because of my severe dry eye (I work outside and ride Motorcycle) so over the past 31 years I am always looking for something better to help with my eye.
It's sometimes hard to find someone to make the blood serum drops and they are not cheap, but what a difference. I have to drive3 1/2 hours one way to get mine at a price of $200 for a 15 week supply and I don't get there as regularly as I should. Good luck finding help with your dry eye, I feel your pain. Jim
Small orange size AN removed 5-15-1985
Tarsarophy done 5-19-1985
Thumbnail size AN removed 4-18-1993
Tarsarophy removed and 1.6g gold weight added 7-22-1993
From 7-26-01 to 2-25-2013 five more surgery's on eyelid with now 3g of gold weight


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Re: Dry Eye why after 34 years?
« Reply #11 on: August 12, 2016, 12:21:16 pm »
AN surgery in 81
VII and VIII nerve sectioned

I've used eye drops since 81, wind etc. would dry eye but nothing I couldn't handle.
most normal days I would use 3 or 4 drops.
last year or so I did seem to be using more but not having any eye problem other than the usual.
Then about 6 weeks ago eye feeling dry and like something in it.
I flush with drops as I always had when something would get in eye but that wasn't working this time.

So after a few weeks of not being able to keep enough drops in eye and still feeling like something in it all the time
I go to local eye Dr. he puts me on refresh pm ointment at night.
a few days of this and I'm sent out of town to eye dr.
He says I have dry eye and need gold weight implant and lower lid lift.
he also changes my regular eye drops to refresh gel drops for daytime
 and still use refresh pm ointment at night.

he also said 2 types of tears the kind that covers your eye and what they call crybaby tears.
he said I had the first, that every one did.

so now I cant seem to use enough drops, waking up several times at night dry, crusty and hurting
which never happened before.
I'm looking for unbiased phenq customer review, surgery might help but I don't think it will fix my problem.
my non AN eye has lately felt a little dry which has never happened but that could be from being so tired.
maybe just getting older and don't have as many tears.
any suggestions on relief etc.
will listen to any and all

There are couple of techniques available to solve dry eyes.
I would suggest ... LipiFlow Thermal Pulsation System etc Intense Pulsed Light.

Sometimes home remedies works the best.
you can try m blinking eyes frequently, remove eye makeup thoroughly and taking breaks while working on computer.

hope speedy recovery to your eyes.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2016, 10:36:31 pm by jonathanalphonso »


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Re: Dry Eye why after 34 years?
« Reply #12 on: August 12, 2016, 07:45:31 pm »
For me, the first two things to try are:
1. Plug the tear ducts.  This is an extremely simple procedure.  The tear ducts are designed to allow tears to drain from the eye, and they also drain eye drops.  Plugging the tear ducts will allow the eye drops to stay in the eye longer.  15 second procedure.  Simple.  No anesthesia.
2. Restasis.  This is a prescription that helps you naturally produce tears. 

Next, I needed a weight in the eye lid and a lower eye lid tightening.  Definitely a more complicated procedure.  However, you want to make sure this is necessary.  The opthomologist will understand if your eye is NOT closing properly.  You may want to try to weight first.  Much simpler procedure.

For me, I apply my eye drops all day (every 30 minutes).  I choose this over the the sclera lens.  I prefer this over contact lenses.  Either way you should try the first two steps, since they are so simple.
4.5 cm, 17.5 hour modified retro surgery
John Hopkins: Lim / Carey
Complete Facial Paralysis
Facial Plastic Surgeon (amazing): Dr. Boahene