first they numbed the four areas for the frame. then they put it on. i had an mri and ct scan done. then i went back to the room i started in for them to make there plan. they came back and said it was suppose to be 9 shots they call it. or 9 zaps. all the shots vary in time. most i think a minute or two. each time they get done with a shot you come out of the machine. they unhook you and start making changes to the frame i believe. one on each side with one person saying the measurments and checking. then back in the machine. i guess they used 4 different helmits or whatever they call it but that was behind me i couldnt see it. its a slight discomfort when they unscrew your head frame from the machine but i think its from holding your head up while in there. after it was all done they asked if i wanted to see the areas that they covered since my last shot couldnt be done. the most time consuming thing was the machine sliding you in. everything else was very quick.