Hi everyone! I feel a little better today and thought I would get on and give an update. I have been soooooo sick. As you know from my sister, it was an 11 hour surgery. They got the whole tumor and the facial nerve is totally intact and worked when they stimulated it. After I woke up, my right eye closed slowly but lost its tone and does not close. I also have right-sided paralysis of my face and a numb tongue. The doctors are fully confident that everything will come back with time.
I cannot say enough about the doctors and hospital. Fantastic and caring. Fellow Pittsburgers -- David and Mitch, they are the best aren't they? I had Dr. Chen and Dr. Aziz but then Dr. Chen was off for a few days after the surgery and Dr. Hillman took care of me. Mitch -- so funny about the scrambled eggs. I had oatmeal in my mouth the whole day! The nurses were great too. I had one guy nurse named James and whenever I called him I would say I didn't feel good and he came running. So nice.
I was in the ICU overnight and then moved to the ICU stepdown unit for the rest of my stay. I got a private room -- yeah. Thank goodness because any noise gets to me. My husband got to stay in my room for my whole stay. I had severe headaches and pressure in my head shortly after surgery. I was supposed to go home on Saturday, but I am like I don't feel good, my head hurts so bad. On Sunday morning, they did a CAT scan and found water on my brain and later in the evening did a spinal tap and found that I have aseptic meningitis. With steroids it is slowly getting better. They sent me home on Moday and I called back in on Wednesday still with severe pressure and headaches and they upped the steroids. Feeling a little better every day. I don't get much sleep. Up every 2 to 3 hours. I must have been good this morning because I slept in and my son is like isn't there school today?
I am having problems with my TMJ too. I can only open my mouth slightly and my jaw is stuck back. I will probably get PT for it. I go next Thursday to get the stitches out and to see the neurologist.
I know this is going to be a long, hard road, but I am so happy to be alive.
You guys are so great. So full of knowledge and support. My sister just loves this site. She said it is award-winning.
Oh, I wanted to ask about the noise. I feel like I am in a manufacturing plant. It is soooo loud. My ear did ring before surgery but now it is crazy. Any other loud noise to my good ear hurts. Any ideas on what could help?
Well, have a great day everybody. Time to lay down. Take care! You are awesome!