Dr. Spunberg did respond to your post on the CK Patient Support board as follows:
Jerome J. Spunberg, M.D.
Registered Member
Date Joined Feb 2006
Total Posts : 3496
Posted Today 4:08 AM (GMT -8)
No burns, but occasionallly you can get a very mild temporary skin reaction (redness, localized hair loss). Most times there is no reaction at all.
Most that note this notice it around the hairline, based on what has been shared with me and my own personal experience... not near the mouth.... so, that is the first I have heard. I also want to rule out that it could possibly be other things, like a canker (sp?) sore caused by nerves or another issue. I'm no dr, that is for sure...... but, just a thought.....
Please hang in there... please try to take a deep breath..... you will get through this. I know its scary and a "fear of the unknown", but know that me... and so many others are rallying around you and are here for you. You can see that many of us AN'ers (regardless of treatment option) are doing as best as we can and we are looking forward to you joining the ranks of "postie".... you are on its heels now.

I hope you finally got some sleep.....
Hang tough... you got my phone number... pls feel free to use it if you want.