I'm almost at the 4-mos post op (10 more days), and over the past week to 10 days, I've notice that my left eye has been extremely dry when I wake up. My facial nerve was stressed but I could close my eye (can't smile very well, but I never had a nice smile to begin with...).
Work is going full blast (busy time of the year for me), so I haven't been sleeping that well. I attribute the dry eye to poor sleeping habits.
My mouth and tongue were weird right after surgery, but haven't gotten better. I don't have the metallic taste, but I still have a salty taste under the left side of my tongue. Some days my mouth feels different, but its only a subtle change... I'm due for my periodic cholestral check-up with my regular doc, so I'm going to ask him about the symptoms, plus I have my annual eye check up in three weeks.