HI Musicman,
I was treated by Dr Chang about two years ago! You're in very good hands if you're thinking of going to him for Radiosurgery.
In my case I lost an extra 5% of hearing on my AN side, so got slightly worse. Tinnitus is slightly louder, on and off, depending on how tired I am, or the weather, or if a buterfly flaps it's wings in China!

Recovery from CK wa an up and down affair intitially, causing me to scael my leacturing activities considerably. However, I found that after about 8 months I was back to normal, and possibly better than before treatment.
For me recovery was not that easy, mainly on the emotional and cognitive side of things. Not everybody has that kind of problems, or not as bad. Some come through with no side issues at all.
The only issue I have now is noise. I am very sensitive to noise and had to get a separate offcie as a class room so I could deal with students. Class rooms are now just too noisy for me. But that's more to do with the tinnitus than the AN I suspect. I don't think it's CK related as other ANers have the same problem after surgery.
Also, remember that when you see Dr Chang, he also is a surgeon who performs surgery on ANs regularly. So he can probably answer your questions from both points of view. IT's important to get the best advice you can from each speciality, but you probably know that already.
All the best,