Hi Karen,
Great post and thank you for sharing it with us.
I have also tried 3mg Melatonin... the only issue with it is if there is any form of history of depression for the person that is taking it. If my short term memory serves me right, dr's typically don't recommend it if there has been any form of depression (possibly noted as "Cautions" on some of the bottles as well, I'd have to check). I agree that it helped me fall into a "relax" state as well.....
Based on what you have shared in the past, I have a sneaky feeling that you have tried this as well....
I also fall asleep to meditation. I lay in bed in the dark, close my eyes and focus on my "third eye". If I do this mediation, while laying on my back in bed, with a focus on my "3rd eye" and white light/energy, I find it helps to relax my mind and body and naturally lets me drift off to sleep... for those of us "in tune", you'll know of what I speak

(and yes, folks, I also do have eyes in the back of my head... watching all you pirates carefully!
