Author Topic: Kaiser Redwood City:multi-disciplinary team, Drs. Xu, Pross, Sheridan  (Read 4748 times)


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I was recently diagnosed at Kaiser Oakland, and have been referred to this team at Redwood City, of Drs. Pross, Xu, Sheridan. I will meet with them in a few days. My tumor is small-ish (1.2 cm), and I lean toward the stereotactical radiotherapy to try to preserve my still usable (not perfect!) hearing on the affected side. I'd greatly appreciate hearing of people's experience with the clinic and these doctors. Thanks in advance.


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Re: Kaiser Redwood City:multi-disciplinary team, Drs. Xu, Pross, Sheridan
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2023, 08:24:10 pm »
Hi carriekartman!  Thanks for posting on the forums!

You said you were going to meet with Drs. Pross, Xu, and Sheridan in a few days.  It has been about a month.  So, I am curious how your visit went, and what your thoughts are on the Kaiser Redwood City team?  What you share could be a valuable resource for others considering that team.
Burning Tongue, Loss of Hearing & Balance, and Tinnitus led to MRI. Very small AN found on 11/23/2021
While watching and waiting, lost significant hearing. WRS now at 12% (down from 100%). Was fitted with CROS system on 3/7/22.  Stable MRI on 7/29/22
No treatment yet.


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Re: Kaiser Redwood City:multi-disciplinary team, Drs. Xu, Pross, Sheridan
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2024, 03:41:26 pm »
Hey carriekartman,

I normally don't check these forums frequently enough but this one stood out, due to my personal experience.
Not sure if you're still checking these, since it's been a few months.

I had my dx on Oct 24, 2023 and a couple weeks afterwards had appointments back to back with all three of these doctors. It was a rough day. Lots of information. I had my partner with me and she helped take notes.
I saw Dr. Xu, then Sheridan then Pross. Pross is the ENT and was probably the most helpful and most emphatic. He pointed to some studies, he is the one who let me know about the AN website, which I feel is a must for anyone newly diagnosed, and felt like I could have a conversation with and ask questions.
He also responded quickly to any emails afterwards with additional links to various recent information.
Dr.Xu talked mostly about microsurgery details, different approaches, outcomes and she seemed to be running through all the jargon w/o allowing for any questions until she was finished. Dr.Sheridan seemed a little standoffish to us. He was very brief. He said radiosurgery is possible but very likely hearing loss would be inevitable from the procedure, otherwise, he almost seemed uninterested or not concerned?
Anyway, all of them at the time suggested to wait and see (due to my tumor size) and seemed like they tried to reassure me that I might not even require surgery. I feel they were knowledgable but I did not feel a lot of confidence or reassurance (maybe that's unfair given this condition).

Dx Oct '23 : 5mm x 4mm x 5mm,
long gradual moderate hearing loss in right ear so far,
advised wait and see for 2nd MRI in April '24,
Dec '23 : started experiencing facial symptoms,
trying to get opinions from UCSD (Dr. Friedman)
and Stanford (Dr. Chang)


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Hi October,

I also have Kaiser and met with Drs. Sheridan, Sevy and Hou. I'm on watch and wait since Dec 2023. I'm due for my 6 month MRI soon (nervous about it) and was wondering if you had your MRI last April. Are you still on watch and wait? Did you get a consult from others?