Author Topic: Audioligist: Medical or commercial?  (Read 2125 times)


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Audioligist: Medical or commercial?
« on: February 15, 2023, 10:11:47 pm »
As Acoustic neuromas go, I feel fortunate-- mine was on the small-medium end of the spectrum, I've been treated with Cyberknife with no ill effects, and my hearing on the AN side, while damaged, is not totally gone. But I'm confused abouty where to go for help with my hearing-- it seems the ENTs are just focused on the medical/structural aspect. The audiologists in the ENT practices seem to just focus on testing and measuring hearing. And commercial audiologists seem to just want to sell hearing aids. There are now also over-the-counter hearing aids and personal sound amplification devices available. I'd like to find someone that knows the gamut of assistive devices and can suggest something that'll work for my situation. What seems to be the best option?


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Re: Audioligist: Medical or commercial?
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2023, 09:03:46 am »
I found a local audiologist in private practice who already had years of experience at a leading medical center's dept.

They seemed medically very knowledgeable about AN's and also up to date on device options.

Maybe you can find someone like that? Ask around? I combed websites for resumes.

(I had already seen a different private practice audiologist who seemed un-knowledgeable and a medical center one who seemed knowledgable but had limits, like you mention, in terms of providing options.)

Good luck. Glad you still have useful hearing, and had a good CK experience.