Author Topic: UPDATES & QUESTION  (Read 5270 times)


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« on: July 20, 2023, 11:30:43 am »
Hi to whoever reads this I have had several of you comment on my posts so I hope you see this update. I went to NYU few months back for the botox and I have new movement over my right eye, tumor removal side which has been mostly frozen since surgery. I did notice a few wrinkles on that side which was weird as I only get them on non surgery side. I can lift the brow alittle and the synknesis seems alittle better. Anyway, she didnt inject any botox around that area this time as she didnt want to upset any progress. She lept staring at me saying she has never seen that progression in someone years out, removal was 2017. Hopefully there will be more positive changes to come
Another reason for writing:
SURGEY REMOVAL 2017 I STILL GET OFF BALANCE IS THIS NORMAL YEARS LATER??? I know my balance nerve was lost on that side but they said the other side takes over to compensate so I dont know if this is normal. Cant speak for all of you but I definitely have PTSD from this and every little headache or off balance I am worried for another tumor. I get headaches in the occipital area on surgery side and probably wont be satisfied until I get an MRI. I just had one this time last year and all was good.