Yes it will automatically adjust to situation or you can control it yourself with a button on the processor or by the phone app. Mine automatically comes on to the default #1 program ; however. I prefer the #2 program more often than not. Just seems clearer to me and less noise from background ( which is exactly how she programmed it),,, and as I say,, she can tweak it on the computer program to my needs. Very helpful, ,,
I hope you will be able to " try" both devices before you decide. I never tried the Oticon as it is not available at any office I am aware of close to me. So I can't say how it differs,, I just know that after wearing the BAHA 4 for 2 years,, this new 5 power is wonderful and the difference in night and day!
Not sure what the audiologist is getting at with her questions about feedback. ?? As I say, mine can be programmed to eliminate much of the surrounding noise in a situation , and I only get feedback if I touch the processor while it's on, I guess similar to what a microphone used to do sometimes ,,,
And as far as water resistance,, you can't wear it in the water and you are told not to get soaked in a rain storm if possible. Mine comes with a jar of drying beads to keep it in at night.
Anyway,, good luck in finding an audiologist that can demonstrate both units for you. SSD is not THAT bad,, but this new BAHA I have definitely makes life a little sweeter
