Author Topic: SKull Base Possibility  (Read 53640 times)


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Re: SKull Base Possibility
« Reply #30 on: December 01, 2006, 01:10:32 am »
ok my mental status is more attuned than before. I had the post op mri done today at 230 in riverside. then ate some tacos, (could stomach them)
Shahinian has me on antivert meds, some pain if needed, and some cipro, antibiotic. i was on steroids for internal tissue healing via
IV then oral last 2 days. they held me one extra day due to the vertigo-the size was five cm measure from the IAC internal ear canal. compressing on the stem, cerebellum. since its vacant space now. and no hearing. ..vertigo is normal since my visual tracking was coordinated with 2 ears. now its just adjusting. freeway tracking in passnger seat, and elevators with mirrors are the worst.
the secondary is getting used to mono sound since its not Stereo now. It is Flat instead of layered. cant identify where sound comes from.

better to have it tottaly gone on my left side. my good ear compensates better.
so its better and badder.
for badder, its because its flat.
I am in a taco place. I hear the salsa music over the speakers the people ordering, my parents orderin, somebody gossiping. all on one plane. with 2 ears functioning the sounds are layered and can be identifed directionaly.

the worst was waking up post op 5 hrs and raising my fingers to itch my face, my peripheal vision caught my finger going up and I went into the jimmy stewart scene of him falling out of the window. :(

I posted some fotos of "kuato" on flickr, i will post videos soon of the total resection.
at my request i asked shahinian to record it for me.
it is of course medical type fotos. so keep that in mind, good stuff though for medical fans

Flikcr Kuato fotos: look closely you will see his eyes.

5cm left AN from IAC to cerebellum/brainstem.
Zapped out by Shahinian @ SBI over the course of 6.5 hrs on Monday 11/27 2006.   h   biologyfly06


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Re: SKull Base Possibility
« Reply #31 on: December 01, 2006, 01:21:22 am »
I didn't eat past midnight, stopped eating around 845, hope it doesn't end up on the floor of the OR.

Hope you'll have a towel handy when they come to move you around at some point in the ICU.  That was the worst time of the stay there....ralphing thanks to that darn anesthesia.  Thankfully the nurse was on the ball and had a towel near!

Hope all went well, and look forward to updates on your recovery.  Knowing what your going through, there are a lot of people here no doubt wishing you a complication free and speedy recovery!

ya chop vertigo was the worst, i had the plastic bucket bent over the side of my bed, then doubled when i accidently hit the TV on and Jerry springer crowd was going WOOWOOWOOO, and the BP cuff inflated at same time, that put me over the edge. regarding the pre op eating i stufffed my self on lasagna at a friends until 800, then I never remebered evacuaing it. so i either crapped my pants in the ER (diapers) or hurled it up and they suctioned me, but I doubt that since during intubation they plug your esophagus with a baloon to not compromise our airway if you hurl. for now its kinda of the "mystery bowel movement" the nurse told me bm usually passes every 2-3 days usually, going on four now..
5cm left AN from IAC to cerebellum/brainstem.
Zapped out by Shahinian @ SBI over the course of 6.5 hrs on Monday 11/27 2006.   h   biologyfly06


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Re: SKull Base Possibility
« Reply #32 on: December 01, 2006, 07:51:23 am »
  Congratulations on the eviction of Kuato.  I recognize some of your descriptions of hearing and visual effects.  Just know that things will improve quickly.  When you feel up to it, search the web for vestibular retraining exercises, they can help.  And in a few days, see if you can sign up for vestibular retraining with a Physical Therapist.  Best of luck in your recovery.
1.5 X 1.0 cm AN- left side
Retrosigmoid 2/9/06
Duke Univ. Hospital

GrogMeister of the PBW


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Re: SKull Base Possibility
« Reply #33 on: December 03, 2006, 03:58:07 pm »
See, this is what forums are for, they are so awsome, i didnt even know PTs had specific Vestibular excersices. Thanks headcase!

I am still pretty slow, and guarding. I thought of some great analogies of one side hearing loss I'll post later. I plug my good ear sometimes to "get some rest" since 100% of sound goes into that ear now instead of 50 and its still overwhelming/ Plus it being on one plane i cannot distinguish where the heck sound is.  the sound is not layered. -imagine seeing with one eye-no depth of field. and the muscles strained from "taking it all in".
Also having some probs with family members that are in 5th gear and I am still in 1st pr 2nd.

my mom told me to hurry it up on the escalator. I told her like a zombie and monotone...turn
" hey, turn your head like the excorsist movie 30 times, then try to get on, walk on and get off an escalator."

She understood and became quiet.

I update my blog on thestatus more than here.


5cm left AN from IAC to cerebellum/brainstem.
Zapped out by Shahinian @ SBI over the course of 6.5 hrs on Monday 11/27 2006.   h   biologyfly06


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Re: SKull Base Possibility
« Reply #34 on: December 03, 2006, 05:19:53 pm »
Welcome back Ixta...........

I have been enjoying your stuff on - my, what a ugly tumor you HAD.

Denise had an experience like the escalator thing with her sister.  They were walking on a wobbly know like:  whoaaaaaaaa.  Denise said:  thats what it is like for me all the time..........her sister said:  what?????? You are kidding???

Good luck Postie - it gets better every day.  Kathy
Kathy - Age 54
2.5 cm translab May '04
University of Minnesota - Minneapolis
Dr. Sam Levine - Dr. Stephen Haines


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Re: SKull Base Possibility
« Reply #35 on: December 03, 2006, 11:43:45 pm »
Thanks Kthy, I think I talked w u on the phone before mine was removed.

I am thinking to sign myself up for some outpatient Vestibular Balance PT for sure by Thursday to help things along.
I hope I dont have to depend on Anti VERT forever.

Ive noticed my good ear is becoming like a bionic microphone though..kind of like getting a new "perception". It is overload at times and I carry an earplug when headaches or over load comes.
This morning I had a bad headache. I had too take one of the "as needed" pills for pain.
re: this theme, this is the first morning I was semi lucid.-and of course more aware of pain. maybe the worst of the pain is to come... I am hearing rumors of migraine side effects Im not looking used to.

Showers feel really good, i just stand in the shower like a wilted tree and enjoy the water going over my head.
my "no ear" feels like an appendage-a cauliflower with no purpose. :'(

« Last Edit: December 05, 2006, 12:43:35 am by ixta »
5cm left AN from IAC to cerebellum/brainstem.
Zapped out by Shahinian @ SBI over the course of 6.5 hrs on Monday 11/27 2006.   h   biologyfly06


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Re: SKull Base Possibility
« Reply #36 on: December 04, 2006, 04:54:04 pm »
Hi Ixta:

I am not the Kathy you talked to.  There are a few on here and a Kathleen too.

My AN ear stuck out like a Dumbo ear until the swelling went down.  Now, it is closer to my head than the other one.  You non hearing ear does have a is for balance!!!

Good luck in that department,  Kathy
« Last Edit: December 05, 2006, 06:04:15 am by Obita »
Kathy - Age 54
2.5 cm translab May '04
University of Minnesota - Minneapolis
Dr. Sam Levine - Dr. Stephen Haines


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Re: SKull Base Possibility
« Reply #37 on: December 04, 2006, 10:18:56 pm »
Hey anyone know what happens to the middle ear organs, cochlea and such once the Vest nerve is chopped off?
I was wondering about the physiology of pressure, because I dive. and also. the plane flight..nothing popped going up but I felt my good ear decompress with that PEWWW sound and my AN side (now gone) did not decompress.nothing. I was kind of tense thinking a cork would pop out on the ceiling or something.

Is the Vestibular nerve the area that we decompress?
Is the cochlea getting blood still? will it wilt up and disolve in my head?
I wish I wouldve thought of these at the post op.

anybody with anatomy phys knowledge free to post please or forward me to another thread if it already exists.

Thanks~! ;D

Hey CHOPPER! did you sign yourself up for any outpatient Vestibular Rehabilitation with a Physical Therapist?
Shahinian didn't even mention it, so I am taking it upon my self to do it next week just to help get on my feet faster.

here is a foto about 16 hrs post op
of the sutures. the yellow is Iodine to keep the wound sterile as can be. the lense is on macro so it looks big.

« Last Edit: February 06, 2007, 03:48:44 pm by ixta »
5cm left AN from IAC to cerebellum/brainstem.
Zapped out by Shahinian @ SBI over the course of 6.5 hrs on Monday 11/27 2006.   h   biologyfly06


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Re: SKull Base Possibility
« Reply #38 on: December 05, 2006, 01:17:18 am »
When one has a Translab approach the whole ear parts are gutted to get to the tumor.  This approach presumes that the hearing nerve is stretched and flattened by the tumor anyway and the hearing is not going to be salvageable.  The vestibular nerve gets cut too.

In retrosigmoid I believe the hearing mechanisms are sometimes spared.

Don't know what they did on your approach.  Did you have enough good hearing left in the AN side? 
« Last Edit: December 05, 2006, 01:20:14 am by Boppie »


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Re: SKull Base Possibility
« Reply #39 on: December 05, 2006, 08:26:41 am »
  I agree with Boppie that with the Retrosigmoid approach, they often try to save hearing.  Your endoscopic surgery, looks like they took a similar path to get to the tumor.  Hearing requires the cochlea, and the nerves and blood supply to support it.  Ask Dr. S., but my guess is that you still have all that.  Decompression only involves the outer ear structures, and my guess is that it is only afftected if swelling from the surgery affects that area.
1.5 X 1.0 cm AN- left side
Retrosigmoid 2/9/06
Duke Univ. Hospital

GrogMeister of the PBW


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Re: SKull Base Possibility
« Reply #40 on: December 05, 2006, 05:40:06 pm »
yes boppie SBI gave me the squished wet spagetti analogy about the nerve.

ya they did a retrosigmoid, but via endoscopic.-did not have to retract the cerebellum.

I think it will be the norm approach in the next 10 yrs.

Shahinian and others were removing pituitary tumors through the nose I guess 10 yrs ago and now that is the norm from what i hear.

If I wouldve had traditional route on my 5cm tumor (measured from start in IAC) he said I would have facial paralysis on my left side for sure since the facial and trangeminal nerve were so compressed like a fist by the tumor. thats why i had it done with the 2mm microsurgical instuments under the endoscope instead of the traditional way of using some high powered magnifying glass and more invasive opening of the skull. shahinian uses a robotic arm with instruments he customizes himself.

here is a pic of the possible head position during resection.
It is from a BBC documentary on the SBI site.

The link is here. clik on the bbc tomorrow's world link and wait for it to load.

I highly reccommend viewing the BBC documentary to get an idea of the technology used and reasons for it. He has Various AN info on his site of course, the above video has to do with a trapped trangeminal nerve. he has an example of a AN procedure on his site too here, and explains that process more in depth.

Make sure flash is installed. or get a techy friend to figure how to see and hear the vid.

I went to traditional specialists before settling on endo. -and yes it was a rocky road trying to find out information about this approach and why alot of ENTs have never heard of it and why there is controversy. Other themes abound that I wont post until I am recovered from the OVER ALL PROCESS. Just look at why I started this thread and you will know what I mean, there was some frustration involved. My first threads were only done out of utter frustration. imagine the WORLD VIEW I explained, and WORLD Demand for ANs and ALL OTHER Tumors, cancer and such-to be endo removed-funnelled down to only 4 office staff.

I kind of analyze it like I am at the mercy of some guy with a gun at my head (tumor) and Clint Eastwood comes along, ( hear the whistle from good bad ugly), sees me helpless there, and I start yelling, hey man, CMON SHOOT HIM SHOOT HIM, clint slowly draws another cigarette, takes 2 deep inhales that seem like eternity, camera cut to crow on branch, clouds, sun, lizard,

CMON MAN,my frustration building..WATCHA WAITING FOR_!PCHING!POOWW< BANG CLANG of Gun on the ground, I fall, the thief dead-on top of me. On the ground I grab my mouth, push the dude off, and notice that my face was not shot off,(facial nerver preservation) and the gun at my head is gone. I slowly get up from the dust to see Clint already riding off into another town.

Now I just have to catch a stagecoach to my main hometown and recover.

I am open for contact just as eronbaum, chop and wife of goin2LA helped me through the process for those looking for endo option.
I talked to some guy that had his out @ SBI and he gave me the greatest advice but I won't list it hear. too funny!

i will post my resection video eventually but want to make it known that I am not a Doctor and am not proposing one style over another. That is a personal position. BUT THANK GOD FOR FREEDOM OF INFORMATION and THE NET-

and of course my pov posts here and my page is personal since I do/DID have an AN.

Shahinian did not have any qualms when I brought up Dr. Jho   and it seems he is familiar with his work and even mentioned that it is closer to those that live on the east coast. IMHO Dr. Jho doesnt have the PR machine behind him, and I believe that is why at least on the net-Dr. Jho    is rarely known and there is not much buzz about him on the net..I talked to him for free though and was about to send my MRI PRINTS to him for a 4th eval when Shahinian lined me up with a date-.

Also, I have a WORLD POV and know this is done in Korea and other areas.(i.e jho, not sure wher he studied though)- Shahinian has trained all over the world, speaks 4 languages, and has that same POV.  I wanted someone with a WORLD POV that has acrued medical knowledge from ALL OVER to tackle my AN. I was not passsive at all while looking for Tx options. I was that pain in the butt kid that always asks why why why why and that didnt stop with shahinian.

If I am going to let someone into my head WHY COULDNT I GET INTO THEIRS.  I made it known to all docs I saw for opinions and thier staff that I was in charge but of course ignorant about neurosurgery, etc.

I probably should be posting this a month from now, I am only 8 days post op so for all I know my head could fall off as soon as I get up from this computer.

It would be interesting to get some DR JHO experiences. For now, via Endo the only Endo patients here I have interacted with are eronbaum and chopper.THANKS GUYS! without their input, and phone calls I wouldnt have chosen endo. I like to hear from consumers themselves, and this whole forum is full of that!--unless of course we have some spies among us..heheee  :o

head thanks for the decompression education.
 and no, no hearing on my left side of course. I knew that was coming -or GOINg and prepared for it by saying goodbye to sounds while I hunted in September and October.
hearing was secondary.
it was compressing on my spinal cord too much and was affecting intercranial pressure. ICP.
Doc said I wouldnt have lasted 4 more years to 40.
I will post more later soon. the actual video of my resection.
, still slow, but a lot faster than 1 week ago! 12 hrs post op was a PITA!

« Last Edit: February 06, 2007, 03:49:47 pm by ixta »
5cm left AN from IAC to cerebellum/brainstem.
Zapped out by Shahinian @ SBI over the course of 6.5 hrs on Monday 11/27 2006.   h   biologyfly06


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Re: SKull Base Possibility
« Reply #41 on: December 06, 2006, 12:11:47 am »
Great to see that you bounced back so fast.

Ya Bru, I tried to document this process as much as I could-I had to blank out of course while my friend updated the status during the surgery. I got that idea from eronbaum, his status site gave updates during the surgery. I was impressed with that. I am not at 100% of course, thats for sure, its only been a week.  i tried my one ear on music last night. its as if color photographs have been de-saturated-turned to black and white.
I just need to find the positives in this and I've always loved B+W Photography. ;D
5cm left AN from IAC to cerebellum/brainstem.
Zapped out by Shahinian @ SBI over the course of 6.5 hrs on Monday 11/27 2006.   h   biologyfly06


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Re: SKull Base Possibility
« Reply #42 on: December 06, 2006, 02:47:14 am »

I sure enjoyed watching the video.  Thanks for posting the links.  Although by tumor was a little smaller than yours I too am greatful for a good recovery and having the AN in the past tense.   ;D


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Re: SKull Base Possibility
« Reply #43 on: December 07, 2006, 11:01:29 pm »
i found a better comparison than the same ol illustration of the head scene turning in the Excorcist.
for the removal of the balance nerve..

A carousel.
Get on the carousel and never get off.

Then the horses and sleds turn into your life.
bedroom, kitchen, bus ride, dinner making, friends shaking your hand.

Then thats forever. and your mind rewires "or gets used to it" as you support yourself on the carousel poles.

I sure hope my carousel slows down soon.
back is killing me-already had pre existing "conditions" w the back.
and that 45 degree thing is a sadistic joke.
doing ok though, i was able to brave two hours of "COSTCO" w only 2 people coming up to me to ask if I was alright.

Addendum: 2hrs later.

Got back from Pharmacy.
I have a Rx for refill cipro-antibiotic and this

Looks as though the drip may be accumulated CSF according wikipedia, but not sure

« Last Edit: December 10, 2006, 12:08:10 am by ixta »
5cm left AN from IAC to cerebellum/brainstem.
Zapped out by Shahinian @ SBI over the course of 6.5 hrs on Monday 11/27 2006.   h   biologyfly06


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Re: SKull Base Possibility
« Reply #44 on: December 08, 2006, 02:14:25 am »
At 12 months post op, I still have a "moment" when I am shopping in a store with tall aisles.  It is a lot better than in the beginning but I get the whirl if I am shopping fast and have to search for stuff.

The library book shelves make me nuts!

Life could be a lot worse.  But I wouldn't want a job as a shopper or a librarian! ;D