Disclaimer: This involves a young woman with some self pity and me finally facing my emotional pain and going through it rather than avoiding it.
It is 8 months after my initial surgery. I think today is the lowest day that I have had throughout this whole process. I cannot help that I got an acoustic neuroma. I get that it was large and had to be removed. I have had a mostly positive mindset throughout my recovery. Lately I have unfortunately had more of a negative mindset which will be short lived because I am on the verge of finding my way through my current mental roadblock.
I find myself thinking about the past and the way that I used to look and feel about myself.
Man has my self confidence taken a huge hit. I understand that at this moment I am feeling self pity. That is a weak feeling. I will not feel that way for much longer because it will destroy me.
Much more often than not I love to be forward thinking because it gives me so much hope that I will one day look and feel the way that makes me happy. I see myself as better than I ever used to be. I visualize my future and it is bright.
I will achieve a higher quality of life than ever before.
I am grateful to have come out on the other side of this thing because not everyone does. I have a hard time trying to keep from comparing my life to the best lives. Seldom I find myself being thankful because it could have been worse.
That is something that does not bring me much joy because I do not like comparing my life to the worst lives.
I am really excited about my future. lol honestly I am despite me being in a mild temporary state of emotional turmoil. I see a different life for my future in the way that I look, think, and feel about things and people and it is even better than before.
It feels good to unload some of this on to a site where some people can understand.
Thanks for reading.