Author Topic: Asking about tinnitus experiences with other AN/schwannoma sufferers.  (Read 10047 times)


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Re: Asking about tinnitus experiences with other AN/schwannoma sufferers.
« Reply #15 on: June 25, 2013, 12:29:55 pm »
I am experiencing pulsatile tinnitus in my AN ear since October 2012.  It is driving me crazy.  I don't know how people can get used to it.  I hate it the worst when I am trying to go to sleep.   

I just had a hearing test done today and the tinnitus was louder in my head than what I was trying to hear.  Luckily, I have no hearing loss.
1.3x0.7 cm AN in right ear
Diagnosed 6/12/13
Tinnitus, ear pain
No hearing loss
GK 7/25/13


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Re: Asking about tinnitus experiences with other AN/schwannoma sufferers.
« Reply #16 on: June 25, 2013, 08:15:15 pm »
Nank:  If you search "pulsatile tinnitus" or under my profile name, you will see I have posted on this topic myself.    It's the worst!   I got treatment sooner rather than later to try and stop the heartbeat sound in my ear.

And the doctors tell me there's no correlation between ANs and pulsatile tinnitus.  I don't believe them!

Hang in there.  Not sure if it helps to know you're not alone in this, but you're not.

Oct 2012:  Constant Pulsatile Tinnitus
Feb 28, 2013: Dx AN 1.4 cm X .9 mm
April 19, 2013:  GK at UPMC w/Dr. Lunsford

Some things in my life need to matter less, and other things in my life need to matter more.  So yes, I'm taking this as a "lesson learned experience."