Hi there! I'm so glad you are okay! We would certainly miss you!!
I hope this doesn't come back to haunt me by admitting this to a group...but I've backed into 2 cars in less than one month. I was a good driver before surgery. But the first time was about 4 weeks ago in broad daylight, when my father-in-law decided to park right behind my garage door. It was in my blind spot... The second time was just this week. I was backing out of a friend's driveway in the dark, and a car was parked on the street, and almost touching the driveway... also in my blind spot. For some reason, I just want to feel normal, like this could happen to anyone.... Do you think this is normal? Is it harder to see in your blind spot after AN surgery??
But it seems now that I've had brain surgery, I have this fear that people will try to pin any mistake I make on having had brain surgery

... in some cases they are right... like on Sunday I was at a baby shower, and the hostess was calling for me, and in front of 15 people, I had obvious significant problems figuring out where she was. People laughed, most not knowing I had surgery. But it gave them something to talk about, and I'm sure the subject came up after I left. I just don't want to be labeled, and feeling like people are watching me for every mistake I'm making... I don't always feel this way, but I am recently. Like recently, I forgot something, and told a friend in a group, "my memory is not what it used to be." She immediately is thinking I mean b/c of brain surgery, but what I meant was just a light-hearted joke as I'm 40 now. The social stuff is just a little different now... I guess I'll have to be more careful what I say now...