Thanks for commenting.
Guess I'm not a traveller, ShoeGirl, and have been Dr'ing with two of the best AN and NF-2 clinics in the USA, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, and Mayo Clinic, Rochester wwith MRIs reviewed at HEI and JHH.
Phl; My feeling is the accuracy %s and Tx success of CK is very comparable to GK and both are tissue sparing in their respective ways. Of course we've had longer to have compile statistics on GK.
I guess I feel pretty good about a GK decision but am afraid. I'm afraid of surgery also.
This is a bit psychological, but somehow I guess I'm looking for someone to 'validate my feelings'; As if to give the "OK; I think that's a good choice." Sounds weird, I suppose.
I do so thank you and the one fellow who emailed me. To take the time to pay attention to, think, and type a response is very kind. Thank you!!
I guess ultimately, one has to make their decision and not look sideways or backward. This is hard!!