OK all you young smarty pants ..... when I get on the Wii Fit tonight, I am going to try my darndest to beat 102 ..... without falling off the board, of course. LOL
How in the world did you get your insurance to pay for it?!? Actually, I never thought about trying since they wouldn't pay for my hearing aid!!!
Question: is the Wii Fit Plus worth the money?
they paid around half of cost of Wii Fit as a PT and vestibular retraining aide ... they won't pay for BAHA or conventional hearing aide for hearing aide for hearing ear that I am losing hearing in ...
as to if the Wii Fit Plus is worth the money ... it has better tracking of aproximate calories burned and time spent and the kids love it ... if nothing else it is a destresser... I think it was worth it ...
note ....... I was at Movie Gallery yesterday and saw a copy of the Fit Plus on pre-own shelf for $9.99 ...it had been checked out , tested and personal profiles from previous owner had been deleted and it's guarenteed for as long as you own it ...actually better terms than Walmart gives you ...I have bought preowned DVDs from them and only one that I had to return becasue it started skipping ... just something to keep in mind ...check out rental places for good deals on preowned games for Wii ...
High penguin score 88 ... my oldest has a score of 190

... if I ever break 100 I will be happy ...I can't get through the bubble maze at all ... I have cleared both the first marble maze and the advanced one but don't know what the score was ... and that is one that the kids can't get ...