Hi, Marty and welcome! Were you born in '59 as your "name" indicates? I'm also 50...currently training to do my 2nd 1/2 marathon (walk/jog/walk). After I was initially diagnosed, I waited until I had my 6 month MRI to make a decision, similar to what you're now doing. Those of us with smaller tumors have a luxury in that regard. The decision is still grueling
so, we know what you're going through.
I did go to LA to House for my surgery - surgery was the right choice for me, rather than radiation and Dr. Friedman at House just "clicked" with me. However, there are many great surgeons around the country. Duke, as Clarice indicated, has a great reputation and I'm sure others will be along to offer other thoughts for you.
Second opinions, in my opinion, are very important prior to the AN journey. Some here have certainly gone with their first doc and done wonderfully. But many, if not most, do get more than one opinion. But, ultimately, it is your decision to make. The docs give you the options and their best advice, but you will have to decide.
We hope you'll stick around here and ask as many questions as you can think of...someone here will almost always have an answer for you!
Take care and keep us posted,