If you had wonky head post surgery but it later subsided and you now feel mostly normal, please describe your experiences here.
How bad was it initially?
How long did it take to go away?
Did you do any PT or other activities that you believe helped?
Do you still have occasional days where it returns?
Anything else significant to add?
FYI had my retro op 2/11/10.
My wonky head I guess was pretty bad, compared to being non-wonky I guess. Bad enough that it has incapacitated me? No. I'm pretty much doing what I used to do (not as well, though), living WITH the wonkyness.
My brain has compensated, but the imbalance has not been eliminated. Lately, I'm guessing because of the weather and allergies, I feel my imbalance is just as strong as the day I came home. Good news is, I can deal with it, manage through it, go hiking, jogging, jump rope, lift weights, etc. But the imbalance (and wonky-head) still there. Compensation, but no elimination.
I did no PT (Doc said I didn't need it cuz I put on a good show of balance 3rd day after surgery), but I did Indo Board exercises before pre-op (big help!), then post op just did my best to resort to my prior exercise routines.

My Wonky-head has never left me. I have accepted it may always be there, and I will have to deal with it. If it goes away, then great!
When I first tried biking, I wiped out within 5 feet of getting on. What a great experience! But I got back right on it, and rode successfully. Now I'm doing a lot of hiking, 2-4 miles for 3 hours, up hills, rocks, etc. ...... wonky-headed and all ...... but I did it and will continue to do it. I like it, I like the challenge .... I was scared out of my wits crossing a river log (had to do all fours), but that's on my to do list. Practice walking across a log.
If you like challenges, then IMO you can view your wonky-ness as aonther challenge. The seemingly simple things done before offer a bit more challenge (or adventure is another way) .... that's how I am viewing it.
But ya, wonkyheadness is really annoying. I have almost forgotten what it was like to be normal ..... but I haven't yet, and this can bum me out sometimes. But I say push and move on ... safely and reasonably, but plateaus can only be broken, if you try to go and and break them.