Hi Tisha,
I stayed local. I learned from Dr. Medbery that the CK radio-docs actually work with the OKC team (Medbery's team) for their actual CK training. Stanford/Accuray does all back-end support.
At the time of my CK, the BI CK center had been there for just over 1 yr. I knew, based on my research, how the BI team was well-trained, although they had only done a few AN's at the time, that for me, I would be fine. Now, over 2-1/2 yrs later, I have no qualm about being one of the first 5 AN'ers to be treated at BI.
We tout here "experience, experience, experience"... and that should definately be taken into consideration. You will know which treatment (and center) will work for you. Many from here that had CK will note their comfort level in choosing Stanford and completely understand why.
If you have the CK center near you, suggestion would be to inquire to them about the training and number of AN's they have treated... that should help you make the best decision you can for you.